Daily Post

One Word 365 – 2015!

Well, it’s May 1 and it is the 121 day of 20151  It seems to be about the right time for me to write my OneWord365 post for 2015!   I have been thinking about this word all year, but as you know from my content this year, it has been a struggle for me to produce very many long form posts!

This particular word struck me back in December and as soon as I heard it I knew it would be my word for this year.  My word is


Of course it comes from the verb root, which in its intransitive form means ‘to grow roots’ or ‘take root or to have an origin or base’.  I love that last part – having a base!  I continually want to be set in something, to be connected to something that allows me to flourish, and like those trees that line my neighbors yard, to be able to stand strong in the storms and trials of life!  Of course, that base comes from above, and has proven quite worthy over time!  Check out this from Psalm 92

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
13 planted in the house of the Lord,
    they will flourish in the courts of our God.

So there it is, a little late, but still driving my thoughts and keeping me focus of the Christ for the year. How about you? It’s never to late!

Daily Post


It’s the New Year.  A sort of jubilee time when we cast aside many things of the past and push the reset button on our lives.  You probably do know it’s a time to set new goals and commit to new working methods. It can be a very exciting time for the heart.

Over the last few years, I have participated in the One Word 365 concept and have encouraged you to do the same.  This year will not break that trend.  So let’s unveil the word and verse for 2014.

Over the last several years I have felt that I have talked about tons of things.  Both at work, at home and in my spirit.  I have planned, I have conceptualized, I have discussed, and I have dreamed.  However, it seems to me that the one part I have not done well is the implementation and execution of all that brilliance.  The ideas are just ideas.  The plans cast aside.  The concepts only discussed. The projects sitting incomplete.

So I am selecting a word that will encourage me to start and to make things happen and to check things off the list.  This is not in a ‘get r dun’, move things from ‘to do’ to ‘to done’ sort of way.  It is not an effort about being self-absorbed in personal activity.  This is an effort about being intentional in my actions, guarded with my time and focused on the results.

With that, my one word for 2014 is


The verse of the year to help keep my mind focused on that word is from James. It is encouragement to step past just study and just thinking and just considering into an measurable step of action.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22-25 (NIV)

If you want, come along on this journey with me. Follow the Daily Buffet on Twitter, or sign up for an email subscription to the blog. Either way, consider finding your own word for the year as well!

Here’s to 2014!
Just Do it!

Daily Post

Bye Bye 2013

It’s the last day of the year, and it’s time to recall your successes and failures of the year and to get ready for a time of new beginnings.  For me 2013 was one of many ups and downs and periods of questioning.  Time will tell if it is a year that I will wish to forget or if it becomes a year that I will look back on as a springboard to greatness.

My one word for 2013 was good, and I believe that it served me well.  I remembered it often I as I strove to look for the good and be the good wherever I traveled.  And travelling I have done a lot!

Tomorrow I will share my OneWord for 2014 and my verse for the year. Today is a good day for you to consider discovering the same for yourself.

Thanks for reading this year.  My prayer is that these daily bits of wisdom, bad grammar, humor, and musings from my wayward mind have encouraged and aided you in your continued transformation towards finding the heart of the Christ.

But since a new year is upon us lets hunker down and get ready!


“Man the ramparts; watch the road; dress for battle; collect all your strength.” Nahum 2:1

Daily Post

Giving up Freedom

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 10:23

Everything is Permissible

I mean, what’s not to love there!  That frees us from so much of the bondage of the make up do’s and don’ts that we wrap ourselves up in.  This type of freedom, is really unimaginable, especially considering the traditional and political-correct  boundaries that strip us from freedom.

But of course, that sort of freedom really requires some sort of guidelines – doesn’t it?  That is what the rest of the verse does, as it bounds the freedom of the grounds of positive benefit.

23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive (NIV)

That’s good advice.

However, I  find the next verse to actually be the thing that binds up the freedom in a way that is even more of a challenge.

24 No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

Hm.. there’s that concept of good again, and not just mine, or being good, but others good.  Not mine but yours. That’s the challenge.  Look at the way the New Century Version words this, it’s even more plain and straightforward

23 “We are allowed to do all things,” but not all things are good for us to do. “We are allowed to do all things,” but not all things help others grow stronger. 24 Do not look out only for yourselves. Look out for the good of others also.

Are we willing to give up our freedom for the good of others – to help them and make them stronger?





Daily Post

One Word 2013

It’s the first real day of the year, the day most of us, minus educators are heading back to the daily grind after hopefully enjoying a great break and time with family. I think I may have spent more hours at home over the last few weeks then I did in October and November combined!  So full of energy and completely rejuvenated I begrudgingly head off to the office to get back to ‘work’.

But it’s a new year, and that means it’s time for a new focus. Today I will reveal my one word for the year. I hope you spent a little time doing this as well. I found this idea actually helped last year.  It was so much more motivating then a list of short-lived resolutions!  (You should try it, really!)

I played with the word renew, but I felt it seemed too New Years dayish, even thought I really liked the concept of always trying to re-create each day in the year.   But I left that and went in a slightly different !  This word was sort of leaked yesterday in the concept of the video that I posted.

This year my word is:


It’s an adjective, it’s a noun, it’s an adverb, and I think it is quite motivational. I am hopeful that it can help focus me when I relate to others, when I evaluate my actions, when I spent my money and when I prioritize and plan my activities.   This isn’t a word that I intend to use to describe myself, but something that I hope will keep me focused with the correct mindset each and every day in 2013. I mean look at what the Christ himself said about it.

 “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.” Luke 18:19 NASB

However, since it does describe the Creator of the Universe,  I am hoping that it will help me keep my eye on him!  So with that, just one more thing to add.  I want to extend the one word 365 concept just a small bit, by adding a verse for the year as well:

10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

So that’s my word for the year. What’s yours? Share it in the comments, or add it to the oneword365 site!