Daily Post


It’s the New Year.  A sort of jubilee time when we cast aside many things of the past and push the reset button on our lives.  You probably do know it’s a time to set new goals and commit to new working methods. It can be a very exciting time for the heart.

Over the last few years, I have participated in the One Word 365 concept and have encouraged you to do the same.  This year will not break that trend.  So let’s unveil the word and verse for 2014.

Over the last several years I have felt that I have talked about tons of things.  Both at work, at home and in my spirit.  I have planned, I have conceptualized, I have discussed, and I have dreamed.  However, it seems to me that the one part I have not done well is the implementation and execution of all that brilliance.  The ideas are just ideas.  The plans cast aside.  The concepts only discussed. The projects sitting incomplete.

So I am selecting a word that will encourage me to start and to make things happen and to check things off the list.  This is not in a ‘get r dun’, move things from ‘to do’ to ‘to done’ sort of way.  It is not an effort about being self-absorbed in personal activity.  This is an effort about being intentional in my actions, guarded with my time and focused on the results.

With that, my one word for 2014 is


The verse of the year to help keep my mind focused on that word is from James. It is encouragement to step past just study and just thinking and just considering into an measurable step of action.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22-25 (NIV)

If you want, come along on this journey with me. Follow the Daily Buffet on Twitter, or sign up for an email subscription to the blog. Either way, consider finding your own word for the year as well!

Here’s to 2014!
Just Do it!

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