Daily Post

It’s Beginning To Look Like…

Here we go, into the last weekend before the last weekend before Christmas.  The mad rush that is the Christmas season is really starting to pick up.  Many students are heading into the dreadful week of finals and the stores are beginning to push their “almost last-minute” Christmas sales.  As for me, I still need to get started.

I guess I actually got started last night, when I put up the Christmas tree, but boy it looks drab this morning.

It’s missing something!  It appears to be in dire need of a transformation. And you know I love transformations, so I can’t wait to share what this little tree will look like once the master gets her hands on it this weekend. (I am sure you will be waiting with much anxiety all weekend to find out what this guy will look like on Monday morning!)

But I digress, on this Friday, as you head into the weekend that I am sure is full of lots of great Holiday fun, take a moment to remember that without the gift we have been given we are drab like this artificial tree.  Go throughout the weekend focusing on the fact that  “unto us a child is born!  and to us a son is given! (Isaiah 9:6)”  That’s no myth.  It’s real life changing stuff.  To US!  Wow! That should bring a smile to your face all weekend, no matter where you park your car, nor how long the lines are!  And maybe those words will bring a song to your lips!



Daily Post


I love the feeling that exists at schools in the fall.  Yesterday, I was able to take my children to their school’s registration day.  There is always so much excitement in the air.  Old friends that you have not seen for several weeks.  New schedules, new people, new opportunities and new beginnings.

The electricity and energy in the air is so contagious.  Do you remember that feeling?  It is only supplanted by the actual first day of school – when there are new teachers, new friends, new routines, new pencils, new pencil boxes, and anticipation!  I only wish I could bottle that energy and sell it to others, because most of the time, our days are not like these days.  The anticipation we hold is sometimes akin to the anticipation of a man walking to the gallows.

I wish so much I could capture that new school year anticipation and let it explode from me each day. You know, what is so interesting is that we as followers of the Christ have this little promise of his return – a event  that could happen any day.  Man, if we could just re-create that atmosphere of  anticipation everyday! I wonder how much energy, urgency and excitement we would have each day?

 31But those expecting Jehovah pass [to] power, They raise up the pinion as eagles, They run and are not fatigued, They go on and do not faint! Isaiah 40:31  Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)

As the kids would chant at camp last week  oooooooohhh, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Daily Post

Ox in a Ditch

Whoa, my ox is in the ditch today and it has been one issue to another this morning.

It’s one of those days where the pressures of daily life begin to choke and pull on the serenity and peace that we love, but it is in these moments when we can show the light even brighter.  But boy is it hard to do.  This are the moments when the anxiety and stress cause the darkness to well up inside, instead of the light.

So, this verse today is for me, to help me keep me focus and strong in the ridiculousness of the business day.  I pray it helps you as well.

11 The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.  Isaiah 58:11


Daily Post

Send Me

Yesterday,  I actually took a few moments and watched the Memorial Day service from Arlington National Cemetery.  I even watch the majority of the President’s address.  Yes, I know, what a boring Memorial Day right?  Well, I had just finished a nice, extra hot 5 miler and stood watching the monitor while I cooled down enough to do anything else.

So, anyway, there was one thing that stood out.  That’s actually not true, I did find the there were several very interesting points made by the speakers.  But, back to the point, the President mentioned that in a letter he had received from the parents of a fallen soldier, the parents had quoted these words from Isaiah:

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, New International Version)

These seem pretty appropriate when thinking about a soldier heading off to battle.  I think however, that these are also appropriate words for us to consider each day as we head off to the spiritual battlefields. And that is what this blog is about – daily buffeting our spiritually bodies, so that we are ready when we are sent.  But in actuality we are sent every day.

So today, how will you answer the Lord’s call?

Daily Post

Incredible Power

I am so amazed today at the power I witnessed yesterday.  Yesterday, my area was hammered with 12 hours of “tornadic” activity. ( That’s a new word I learned yesterday).  The shear size and power of these storms was absolutely amazing and awe inspiring.  Forunately, my home was out of direct path of any of these monster super cells, so all that I am dealing with today personally is just a loss of power. ( which explains the tardiness for today).

So just a few things for today.  The area around Chattanooga and in the whole south east US has been hammered this spring with tornados.  Please remember these people in your thoughts and prayers.

And then back to the power in these storms, it was so humbling to stand on the porch and listen to the rumble of these storms.  The constant rumbling, the immensing lighting.  I stood for an half an hour last night watching the storm move across the valley, with the sky flashing on and off from the lightning activity.  It’s so hard to put into words the magesty that is there, especially when we see the damage to people and property that these thing bring with them.

So I am not sure exactly what message I am trying to convey today except that those storms, show the incredible power that existing in our Creator, and just imagine if he created something with that much power and magesty, what  good things he can create!

 8 “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness;
   let the clouds shower it down.
Let the earth open wide,
   let salvation spring up,
let righteousness flourish with it;
   I, the LORD, have created it. (Isaiah 45:8, New International Version, ©2011)