Daily Post

Easter Monday

It’s Easter Monday.  A holiday in many places making allowances for everyone to recover from all the jelly beans and chocolate they consumed yesterday.  OK, not really, but it is Easter Monday. Celebrated as a holiday in many countries through the world, it’s really just the day after Easter.  For most of the US, it’s get back to work day, unless you happen to still be on Spring Break.  Either way, I like to think it’s a another day tacked on to the weekend because the joy caused by the whole empty tomb thing was just too much,  even though I know it’s really a relic from older spring festivals.

Nevertheless, what happened on the Passover so many years ago is still as relevant today as it will be in the middle of October, the days furthest from Easter!  Redemption is upon is. Let us live today in a way that highlights that event and shares our joy with others.


8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (NIV)

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