Daily Post

Do The Dew For Him

Yesterday I was able to head over the local high school and present for the annual career day.  Geez, I can’t get away from these kids! 🙂  Amazingly, this presentation turned out to be the highlight of the day, even better than the evening’s cross country banquet at the Golden Corral.

Anyway, by providing the official drink of software development ( and gaming) – Mountain Dew Code Red, and by giving away door prizes that included Nerds, Goobers and Smartees, I think I keep them interested in the life of a Software Engineer.

But what I really wanted to share with you was the verse that I shared with them at the end.  When all is said and done, I told them to pick a career that they enjoyed and that ultimately put them in a place where they could give the glory to God – no matter what is was.

And amazingly, I stayed right in Colossians 3, where it seems I am spending the entire week.

17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  Colossians 3:17 New International Version (NIV)

Who are you doing whatever you do for?

Daily Post

Grab It

Last week, I visited the physical therapist to have some work done on my “crunchy” patella tendon.  While I was there the PT asked me if I had ever had a cortison shot in my knee. Upon my postive reply she ask when?  After thinking for a moment, I remember my last shot before the Boston in 1996, so I replied 96.  She laughed and walked off. Ouch!

Last night, my sister sent me some pictures of one of my childhood homes that she visited during her high school reunion, I barely recongized the place as it has changed so much.  Ouch! Oh and then I realized that my parents were around my age when we moved out of that house.  Double Ouch!!!

Today, I dropped my two children off for the start of high school and junior high respectivitely. Triple Ouch!

I have been reminded with quite a lot of force over the last few days about the passing of time and the true breivity of life.   However, I am also reminded about the richness of blessings that I have enjoyed in this life here, even while I focus on the coming promise!

Even so, there’s no getting around the actuteness of our lives.  But this is not a time to be sorrowful, nor regretful.  This is a time to throw up your RAWK Fist and grab life, before it’s gone!


 31So eat your meals heartily, not worrying about what others say about you—you’re eating to God’s glory, after all, not to please them. As a matter of fact, do everything that way, heartily and freely to God’s glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 The Message (MSG)


Daily Post

The Peculiar Paper Dispenser

Sometimes at the office after drinking my morning jug of the gentleman’s coffee, I have to head over to the “Men’s lounge” and refresh myself.   And since there are several hundred wash your hand signs in our facilities, I oblige them.   Anyway, many a day I stand their with wet hands in front of the automatic paper dispenser waving my hand.   I continue to wave my hand and watch as the little red dot flashes, but no paper rolls out- ever.   One day during this ritual a co worker was there with me.  I commented on how this particular machines was not working.  He responded “It always works for me” and he promptly walked up waved his hand and was given more paper then he needed to dry with.  It seemed like I was invisible to this machine.


19 “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” (Galatians 2:19-21, New International Version)

This whole idea of becoming invisible, or maybe better put, the idea of dying to yourself and replacing your selfishness with the mind of Christ, is something that I have been struggling with and praying for for some time now.  For I know that that the days with I live for myself usually end up with things happening that are not so great, and the days when I hide myself and let Christ shine through are days of glory.

The dispenser still does not work for me, and I count that a blessing and a reminder.  A reminder of how I should be living my life.  A reminder that I should not be seen, but that the Christ should be seen in me.  When you wash your hands today and look in the mirror, ask yourself, “Who’s living in you?”


Daily Post

I Would Like to Congratulate…

… the other person.

How often has that happened to you.  You work, you give your effort, you make something successful and the accolades go to another maybe less deserving person.  It’s frustrating, anger provoking and demoralizing.  However, maybe, just maybe we can examine this in a different light and actually take joy when that happens.

For instance, remember Gideon.  When he was asked by God to save Israel, he responded like this

15 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” Judges 6:15

but the Creator of the Universe said in reply to him

“I will be with you.”

It seems God likes to use us when we think we are weak for his glory.  Notice 2 Corinthians:

10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

In our weakness, we are strong.

So, how does this relate to other’s getting the accolades.  I think it’s like this – God uses us in our weakness to show his glory versus the alternative which is that we forsake God and claim that it was all us.

When others are given the praise, remember what you are working for.  Is it bring glory upon your head, or to bring glory to the Lord?  I think I will set out to bring glory to the Lord, becoming nothing in the eyes of men – just a servant of the Creator of the World.

So today, as you enter the battlefield of life, recall Gideon, least in the weakest clan, but made a great warrior when he let God lead him.

Daily Post

The Glory of Presidents Day

Today is President’s Day as you all know – a day that we stop and remember those Presidents of the past and provide them with the honor and glory due them.   The honor of the Office of President or the POTUS, as we like to say, is incredible.  I am alway impressed ( and bored) when I go to the Hall of Presidents at Disney World.  It’s impressive because you can see – by the wonder and magic of Disney’s animatronics- all of the presidents lined up together have a gay old time. (Bored, because they actually speak, but its a great place for a rest, and a bit of air conditioning if its hot outside).   Ok, seriously,  the POTUS is in a position to be hailed and given glory, but despite all the greatness of any of these men, they are made or broken by the men around them.  The people, the judges, the men in Congress and the press, can help or hurt the legacy that any of these men have left behind. 

But consider for a moment the POTU ( thats the President of the Universe).  The POTU, or God, has made everything.  His glory is completely his.

 11“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
   to receive glory and honor and power,
   for you created all things,
      and by your will they were created
      and have their being.”  – Revelation 4:11

And the best part is that he made you, and passed that glory on to you

 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth,  and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

 27 So God created man in his own image,
       in the image of God he created him;
       male and female he created them. – Gen 1:26-27

Stop and think about that.  God is so glorious, and he made us.  So today remember you favorite past president for their accomplishments – whether it be Reagan and the Wall, Carter and inflation, Lincoln and slavery, FDR and The NewDeal,  Wilson, Washington, Kennedy, Clinton, Taft, Cleveland, Adams(squared), Bush(squared), McKinley, Jefferson, and so on.  Give them their due!  Thank God for them, Praise them, but also remember God put them in power and he made you! 

“You make everthing glorious, and I am yours. So what does that make me?” – David Crowder Band