Daily Post

Happy Three Kings Day

Well, today is the end of Christmas – the 12th day, as it were.  It’s also know as Three Kings Day, commemorating the arrival of the star following magi at the side of the baby Jesus.  Makes you sort of wonder why it’s not called Four Kings day doesn’t it?

Anyone, for most of us Christmas is a thing of long ago.  Most of the lights are down, the bows and ribbon disposed of and the tree lays out on the curb for the city recycling program ( or stored neatly in the closet for next year!).  But take a quick moment to remember how following that star affected those dudes, and remember that when we stick with that Christ guy we also become kings – fellow heirs to his throne.  That’s royally cool stuff.


16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.Romans 8:16-17New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Daily Post

So Pumped

I am so stoked today I can’t hardly stand it.  As most of you know, I am a huge WVU fan.  And West Virginia ended up the Orange Bowl last night with a pretty impressive victory over the Clemson Tigers.  My excitement is to such an extend that I could barely sleep last night and I can’t hardly stop myself from posting on Facebook!!!

Pretty ridiculous really, That much joy from watching 20 year old kids play a game?  Especially when you consider that all I did was sit on my couch in my climate controlled room watching the game on my High Definition big screen TV.  I didn’t practice, I didn’t call a play, I didn’t run a play.  All I did was claim that team as my own and cheer away – and believe. (Although, I can say I was pretty nervous in the first quarter!)

And yet, the joy overflows this morning!  I wonder if it will last past the time I walk through the office doors!

Wow, sort of reminds me of something else.  Something else that I did absolutely nothing to attain, except to believe.  Something that was done for me, for free.  Something I didn’t ask for, but has been given.

 9-11Now that we are set right with God by means of this sacrificial death, the consummate blood sacrifice, there is no longer a question of being at odds with God in any way. If, when we were at our worst, we were put on friendly terms with God by the sacrificial death of his Son, now that we’re at our best, just think of how our lives will expand and deepen by means of his resurrection life! Now that we have actually received this amazing friendship with God, we are no longer content to simply say it in plodding prose. We sing and shout our praises to God through Jesus, the Messiah! (Romans 5:9-11 MSG)


Double Joy!  Maybe even Triple Joy!

And this joy is unstoppable.

So in reality the effects of this game will wear off – and the old Mountaineers will lose again sometime in the future(maybe), but the true joy that comes from the Messiah, the Christ is there forever.

Pretty sweet uh!

Daily Post

Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem – Shine On!

10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.  Matthew 2:10


Merry Christmas!  I pray your day is filled with joy, and that you keep following after that ever shining star.

Daily Post

Happy Eggnog Day

I couldn’t let this one pass, so here is a special Saturday edition of the Buffet!  It’s National Eggnog Day!  So break out the eggnog ( non-alcoholic, of course!), and celebrate the season!

Oh and for some fun today with the family you can track Santa over at NORAD.

And just in case you are wondering, I am not shopping today – I finished yesterday  – well ahead of schedule!

Feliz Navidad!


 18-21The birth of Jesus Christ happened like this. When Mary was engaged to Joseph, just before their marriage, she was discovered to be pregnant—by the Holy Spirit. Whereupon Joseph, her future husband, who was a good man and did not want to see her disgraced, planned to break off the engagement quietly. But while he was turning the matter over in his mind an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife! What she has conceived is conceived through the Holy Spirit, and she will give birth to a son, whom you will call Jesus (‘the Saviour’) for it is he who will save his people from their sins.

 22-23 All this happened to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet—‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’. (“Immanuel” means “God with us.”)

24-25When Joseph woke up he did what the angel had told him. He married Mary, but had no intercourse with her until she had given birth to a son. Then he gave him the name Jesus.Matthew 1:18-24 J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS)



Daily Post

Last Minute

Wow, I can’t believe it’s the day before the night before the night before the night before the night before Christmas.  It is nearly upon us!  And to be quite honest, I still have tons of shopping to do – which is actually unusual for me.  Oh well, I think I will join the rest of the men out buying vacuum cleaners and whatever Christmas sweater or jewelry they can find on Christmas Eve.  Amy is going to love this year!

It’s just been one of those years – where the business of living life has overcome my ability to prepare for important events that lie ahead.  Or maybe I a just have procrastinated.

Anyway, I am sure you are also finding some last minutes things to scramble for, they may not be as large of scale as the scramble that lies ahead of me. And really some of that hustle is part of the fun of celebrating Christmas. I mean who doesn’t love getting in all that last-minute traffic on Christmas Eve?

But let’s not let that happen to our spirits.  Keep that in the forefront and guard that part of your life with extreme prejudice.


6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 New International Version (NIV)