Daily Post

On Writing

When I started this blog many years ago, I started because I was a bad writer.  Or at least I was in my mind.  I wanted to be better.  So I started to write everyday.  I have tried to get something down everyday for years.  It actually started before the blog as an email to my Sunday School Class.  But still it has the same intention, I wanted to be a better writer, and I felt that maybe somewhere in my head there where some ideas that would help people and bring a little glory to the Creator.  

So years later, I am finding that I need to write.  I am really not sure that my writing has improved in anyway.  Some people say they love this.  Others unsubscribe.  Who knows why.  Either way, I have found that pen to paper ( or fingers to keyboard) has helped my improve myself, challenge myself and grow myself.  It’s my prayer that somewhere along the way others have been helped in some small capicity.

And that Glory has gone where all glory should go.

So here we are then on the second day of May.  Maybe my writing is better, maybe it’s not.  But this are two things that I know!

1. For me, I need to write something somewhere to get my thoughts out of my head.

2. This promise tends to keep me alive ( along with lots of other promises from the Creator)

“But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself.” Psalm‬ ‭49:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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