Daily Post

The next day

Could you imagine how excited the apostles were today? 

He’s risen. Rome was defeated. The Sanhedrin was defeated. Death was defeated.

And we all win!!!

Wow I bet they were on Cloud 9- when they weren’t hiding for their lives!

But really. I can’t imagine how excited they would have been today! And how they acted!

Keep that in your mind today as you go through the day.  Maybe find some of that excitement as well!!
He is risen. We are free!!!!!

Daily Post

It is finished 

For reasons I won’t get into today I found myself putting my pants on in the garage this morning. That made me think of the old saying that is used to emphasize that everyone is equal “He’s like us, he puts his pants on one leg at a time.”

I’m not sure anyone else was putting on their pants the way I was this morning. But, it’s true that we are all equal and in the same position. It’s never more true than today on this fabulous Good Friday. We are all sinners in need of the event that happened so many years ago today. Our sins, our mistakes, our inadequacies, our disobedience was taken to the cross and a sacrifice was made for our redemption. None of us could do it ourselves. We all have been in need and still are in need of the Christ.

What a good Friday! What a great Friday!

So I am reminded of two of my favorite verses in the Bible.  Both are just three words. The first one is ‘it is finished’ the second ‘the veil is torn’. Both happened on this Friday afternoon.
Aren’t you glad!  
Enjoy the blessings this weekend brings you in your life. Sweet redemption!!

Daily Post


Yesterday in worship we sang the song ‘Be still and Know”.  I had just read an article that listed that verse as one of the verses most used out of context.  I jumped over to Psalms 46 to review the entire thing.

From there I moved over a few psalms and settled the rest of the worship in Psalm 49. Yes, I should have been paying attention, but sometimes, the written word of David is better than the spoken word of contemporaries.

Anyway, there were several things in Psalm 49 that I could write about, and that I may.  But one thing that stuck in my heart was this statement in verses 7 and 8

No one can redeem the life of another
or give to God a ransom for them—
the ransom for a life is costly,
no payment is ever enough— (NCV)

and then how the statement is overridden by a greater power later in verse 15

But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead;
he will surely take me to himself. (NCV)
I especially like the wording in the ESV.
But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,
for he will receive me.
The whole idea of a ransom, and God paying a ransom for my soul seems to really lay out the fact that God had to sacrifice for me in order  to redeem me.  All of use were captured and held for ransom by the power of death! He paid that ransom, when we couldn’t and can’t.
That’s something to consider this Holy Week as we head towards the anniversary of some of the greatest days that every happened on this Earth.