Daily Post

So That Others Can

Last weekend I like many of you watched part of It’s A Wonderful Life. It seems that it is on all the time. Sometimes I wonder why it’s even a Christmas movie, I mean it is set around Christmas, but it’s really not a movie about Christmas at all. Yet the message has everything to do with the Christ story. I love watching this movie and thinking about how George Bailey gives up all of his dreams, all of his goals and all of his desires for everyone else. Although he doesn’t realize it, he makes everything better by giving himself up.
It seems like a simple enough thing. Take your hopes, your dreams, your desires, your wants and cast them aside forever for the benefits of others. Yet it’s not something that we find ourselves doing very well or very often. When we do find someone, somewhere, who lives this way, we usually hold them in very high esteem.

But, the cross-life requires this type of life.  All through scripture we are admonished to give, to place others before ourselves, to willing choose to submit ourselves so that others can. So that others can.


But I have my wants. my desires. My likes.  My things.

But so others can.


I love this line from one of my favorite books, The Celebration of Discipline.  In it, Foster writes these words about being submissive.

The cross-life is a life of voluntary submission.  The cross-life is the life of freely accepted servanthood.

Foster writes those words immediately after discussing these words of Christ.

“I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you” – John 13:15

Sigh. Where can I stand, except at the foot of the one who provided this example for me?

As we near the celebration of the one who submitted his entire life for us, let’s not forget the example his entire life is for us.

So Others Can!!!!!

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