Daily Post

Work work work

I found a quote last night while going through some old files. Actually I found a lot of stuff when I went through these files, and I will be sharing some of it over the next several days.

But I thought this is a pretty good quote to help as we start heading towards the weekend.

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else . -James M. Barrie

There’s so much meat there that I could probably write all day. I think all of us have days when work is really work because we would rather be doing something else. What struck me as interesting when I reread this quote was the possibility of finding something that we always want to be doing even when were sitting with work that we don’t want to do. And surprisingly the common denominator for me was that almost all work involves being with people, the the utmost creation of the Creator. So if you find yourself with work that really feels like work spend a few moments investing the people around you and see if that changes the way you think about the day.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)

Daily Post

My Seat

I walked into the office today and there was someone else at my desk, using my monitor, sitting in my chair.  I felt a little bit like one of the three bears.  Man, what was I going to do.

Well, since my office treats cubes like church pews, all I could do was to go find another place to set up for the day.  And as I looked for another place, my mind drifted over to this little verse and I realized that even though that was MY seat (wink wink), I could use this as a small bit of practice for living this way on more important issues.

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.   Philippians 2:3  (ESV)

Give up your seat today, and put others in front of you!