Daily Post

Full Moon

I was just standing outside observing the full moon and Cassiopeia as they adorn the beautiful night sky. It made we realize how wonderfully blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for. It was a good quiet moment. Especially since I spend much of the day complaining about and trying to change things in my life. Taking a moment to count the blessings and to be humbled by the volume that you can list in short order. It is a good thing. This weekend as you observe the Hunters Moon, take a few minutes and count those blessings.

Maybe your should even sing a hymn, you know, name them one by one, you may be surprised what The Lord has done!

Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord brings wealth,without painful toil for it.

Daily Post

Good Thing

Several months ago I spent days thinking about how the love of Jesus compels us to action. I think I may have even wrote about it a time to two. It was probably more since this blog is mostly a dump of stuff floating around my synapses.

Anyway, this morning I was reminded of that verse again in a major way. During my morning drive, which has become quite lengthy, I was listening to a podcast where the speaker was talking about this verse and relationships. The speaker mentioned how as followers of the Christ, we are constrained by his love. At first that may seen very bad, and even restrictive. However when we realize that Jesus died for us despite our sin, we really have no option in the way we treat people. We so often wish to set our standards and deal with people because of their actions. We must transform and deal with other in spite of their actions. In spite of the way we are treated we have no choice but to respond with love , grace and mercy. Our lives, our thoughts, our judgments, have been constrained by His love.

That’s a good thing.

2 Corinthians 5:14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

Daily Post

You too

Here’s a small call to persevere that sometimes is overlooked.

James 5:8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

Let us let the hope that is with in provide a foundation of firmness and the strength to bear the things that our cast in our way while we travel this road. And let us remember that The Lord is coming back in a glory that we can’t even begin to imagine!

Daily Post

Being Bold

One year ago today, Felix Baumgartner jumped from the stratosphere and fell all the way back to Earth.  Do you remember how crazy that was?

This morning I was reading a small article about him in the Red Bullentin, which by the way is an excellent magazine if you want to see stories about people pushing their physical bodies to the limit.  Anyway in this interview, he is asked what he wants people to take away from the documentary that is being released about his little jump.  He responds this way

That you can make whatever you have in your head come true– if you give your everything for it to happen.

That’s true, because we have been made to be that way!

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.1 Corinthians 16:13

Daily Post


I woke up this morning listening to Jeremy Camp’s song ‘Give Me Jesus’. I can hardly think of a better thought to get you through the day then turning over all the things of the world and replacing them with Jesus. His mercy, goodness, holiness and greatness surpass all the things this world can give you today. As you face decisions, problems, struggles and victories today, be sure to measure them against the love that is found in following the Christ.

Have a fantastic weekend!

And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. iSV Colossians 3:1