Daily Post

Rally Around the Banner

flag-dayI have one memory that I recall every June 14.  It’s a memory of still being in school on June 14.  For some reason, I don’t have a lot of vivid memories of elementary school, but I do remember this day.   It was early elementary and I remember sitting and coloring flags.  I can remember what the page looked like, I can recall my place in the classroom, and I still see the sun beaming in the windows – calling me to come out and play!  I am pretty sure that the teacher was just trying to find work for us to do at that point.  It wasn’t until later in my life after years of school ending around Memorial Day that I realized how odd it was for my school district to still be in school on Flag Day.  I am pretty sure it was one of those winters where snow was prevalent and school was not.

So today, we celebrate Old Glory – the symbol of what is good about America.  The one thing that all Americans look to for hope and the one thing that represents all that America stands for.  What American isn’t proud when he sees that banner lifted high on the Olympic Track, or displayed on the shoulder of a soldier.  And have you noticed that after every destructive weather event a picture appears with the American flag raised on top of the rubble, a symbol of hope and the ability to overcome!  It’s just a simple piece of fabric, but it is a powerful symbol. One which appears to have magical powers that can unite people with a single wave. And so it is for us who live in America under that banner.

In the same way, we have a spiritual banner that is the rallying point of our soul.  Take a moment on Flag Day to remember this banner as well as the Stars and Stripes.

10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. Isaiah 11:10  (NIV)

The Root of Jesse is a reference to The Christ, who to his followers becomes a banner, a powerful rallying point, and oh so every glorious.

Let Old Glory Fly high today, but may the Root of Jesse fly even higher – over all the nations!

Daily Post

Jumping Judges

One thing I have struggled with through my years on Earth has been judging others too quickly, and most of the time for the negative.  Judging a book by its cover has come easy for me, and in lots of cases, I have been incorrect and it’s made it hard for me to establish deeper relationship.  This is something I have worked on, and I have found holding back on categorization of people has worked pretty well.  However, I continue to grow in this area and earlier this week a Proverb was pointed out to me again, but in a totally different way from the way I have always read it. This new light brought out totally new meaning for me.

do not bring hastily to court, for what will you do in the end if your neighbor puts you to shame? Proverbs 25:8 (NIV)

In this bit of wisdom, I have always focused on ‘the bring to court’ part,  emphasizing the encouragement to stay out of the court room and not bring suits against others.  Then, I had this sentence structure shown to me this week.

Don’t jump to conclusions, there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. -Proverbs 25:8 (MSG)

Wow, that really changed the whole thing for me. and it even brings new meaning to the same verse written this way

Do not go out hastily to argue your case; Otherwise, what will you do in the end, When your neighbor humiliates you? (NASB)

The focus has changed from staying out of court to holding back on my position, until I really understand what is going on.  That’s a pretty big lesson for me, and I am sure lots of you as well.  And then the end becomes important as well, when you realize it has a lot to do with the relationship with the others involved.  Pretty Cool!

Over the last few weeks, I keep finding myself right back in the sermon on the mount, so why should today be any different?  Let me remind you of how similar this is to the teaching of that Christ guy when he says

Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Matt 7

and it also seems to come full circle to his teaching on using the proper measuring spoon.

Why is that so simple to read, but so hard to put into practice?


Daily Post


Oh man, today is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day.  And who can resist that great tasting cookies with the fork prints crisscrossed on top?  (well, that doesn’t count those with peanut allergies!) Did you know that recipe was first published in 1932?  When I hear that I sort of feel like Abraham after he realized he had some mighty visitors to his camp.  He ran to his wife and hollered

Quick! Three seahs of fine flour! Knead it, and make cakes!

I am not sure Amy will appreciate that shout out this morning, but I might give it a go and see if it results in some deliciousness. Anyway, baking also makes me think of measuring and measuring always brings me back to the way God will judge us.

38 Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38 (NASB)

This thought sure makes it easier to be a little more generous with our stuff, our thoughts, our judgements and our exhibitions of mercy.

Use a large measure today and see how things come back to you.

Daily Post

Kings and Control

Over the last few months, I have been exposed to the difficulties that surround that entire process of waiting and trusting.  I have had several incidents that have removed all control from me, and that is actually pretty unsettling.  It’s day’s like this that I could dream about guys like Kamehameha, after all it is his day.  Kamehameha was the monarch who first established the unified Kingdom of Hawaii way back in 1810.  He wielded so much control that he was able to keep the Hawaiian Islands from been colonized at a time when the rest of the Polynesian Islands where succumbing to Colonial powers.   He helped bring pineapples and coffee to Hawaii and said things like this:

“Endless is the good that I have given you to enjoy.”–Kamehameha I

Pretty impressive control, and evidently a pretty impressive ruler!

Despite Kamehameha dominance as a ruler, he can only teach me things today, he can’t really help me with waiting and trusting, especially since his control eventually gave way others.  Fortunately, I know another ruler that his followers said this about:

What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? – Disciples of Jesus

Now that’s control! And that guy is still around helping us today.  He’s the guy I will look toward during these days of lack of control (as if I ever had any), apparent uncertainty, and ‘confusion’.

The heart of man plans his way,  but the Lord establishes his steps.  Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)

Think about that when you have concern about what is happening around you!

And have a great Kamehameha Day! Aloha Kakou

Daily Post

Iced Tea Day!

It’s a depressingly dark and rainy morning as I stare out the window for a thought to get the day started, but then I remember that it is International Sweet Tea day!  Well it’s actually National Iced Tea day, but what good is tea when it’s not sweet? Anyway, on June 10, 1904 at the St Louis Worlds fair, it seems they purveyors of the fair claim they invented iced tea – thus creating this glorious day. However, upon further inspection, like this bit of history here, it can be understood that those in the South were serving sweet tea long before 1904!

Tea Choice!

No matter, just get out there and kick back and refresh yourself by enjoying some iced tea today, remember it is the gentleman’s drink.

Oh and speaking of being refreshed, maybe this will be iced tea to your spirit!

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish. Jeremiah 31:25 ESV