Daily Post

High Wire

I forgot about the big tight rope walk last night and turn on the Discovery channel just after the dude had finished and was talking with the morning show crew.  However, I thought I should write about it, since it was so popular last night!  It’s pretty impressive that someone can focus so intently and ignore all the distractions to do something like that – something that seems impossible.  I think that’s very inspirational and should help you work towards the goals that are in front of you.  Interestingly enough, he credits his faultless concentration to the Creator, and in the interview last night he mentioned this verse when he asked about how peaceful he was on the wire.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 King James Version (KJV)

That’s great advice for us as we walk the high wire of our lives – keep the peace of God with you and you can do anything!