Daily Post

You Are What You Think

I was recently reminded of this quote from Mr Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man is what he thinks about all day long.

This is one of those brain teasers that you could spend all day thinking about. Not because it’s necessarily a hard quote, but taking time to look at how it really plays out in your life is quite sobering.  Interestingly enough similar words are found in Proverbs 23.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

I should note that the overall context in Proverbs is different then the Emerson quote, and that is bore out quite well in more modern translations of the entire Proverb.  However, the thought is general the same – what we think about eventually comes out in our actions.

It you think about being stingy – you will be stingy, if you think about others, you will reach out to others. If you think about mud all day, you will be dirty!  If you think about joyful things – you will be full of joy.

It actually a very simple formula to understand, but for some reason it’s pretty difficult for our little minds to grasp at times.

So, a simple question for you today – what do you want to be?  and is your thinking aligned with that desire?

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