Daily Post

El Cajero de la Felicidad

I ran across this great video yesterday about an ATM machine that give our free money.  That’s right, free! There is no need to put in your card, no need for a bank account, and  no strings attached. Well, just one string – you have to promise to share the money with others.  Awesome right!

Check it out here.  Just one thing, it is from Spain, so it’s in Spanish.  The screen essentially say – ‘Get $100 Euros without a card’. When you select Yes, it says “only if you agree to share”  and then if you hit yes again, it provides some ideas of how to do it.

Watch and stick with it to the end to see how this plays out!

Be the cashier of happiness today – give good!


We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9(NCV)

Daily Post


I was cleaning out a inbox last week when I found an email that contained this verse. I really don’t remember the circumstances in which it was shared, but I think it, like most Proverbs, is a profound piece of wisdom that we can never read and think about too much.

Those who do not control themselves
are like a city whose walls are broken down. Proverbs 25:28 NCV

There’s so much in those 15 words that I am certain several preachers could turn them into a three-part series. But I simply ask you to read them, think about them, and look at your life. Where are you no controlling yourselves, and can you see how you might represent a broken down city?

Identify those breaches and set a new course.