Daily Post

Power of Reflection

Just hanging out at the garage getting an oil change this morning before heading into work. (actually I will end up working from the garage a little bit, I love that flexibility.).

Anyway, while I was sitting here waiting the news is obviously playing loudly in the background. But that’s when I heard about a flock of sheep in Austria which marched themselves into a sporting goods store- the whole flock! It turns out that one sheep saw a reflection of itself in the store window and followed itself right into the store.

Of course that made me think about what we reflect, and whether our reflection would attract the entire herd to follow? Think about that today, and what you reflect! I hope it’s the Messiah!

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord–who is the Spirit–makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
2 Corinthians 3:18
New Living Translation (©2007)

Daily Post


And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves. (Mark 6:31, 32 ESV)

Daily Post


It’s hard to follow up on Pirates, unless you reference  Star Wars!!!

Yoda: You must unlearn what you have learned.

Yes, sometimes we have to unlearn our thoughts and ways to understand the ways of the Master.  For instance, look at these words he uses to call Simon the fisherman to follow him

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke 5:10b

Make sure as you follow the Master today, you are letting him lead.  And where you need to let go, unlearn, and well.. watch what happens!


Daily Post Talk Like a Pirate Day


Ahoy, th’ oceans deep hath made the’r way around that blazin’ cannon ball once again.  ‘n once again it be speak  like a scurvy pirate tide!

And nay talk like a gentleman o’ fortune tide would be complete without me tellin’ ye scurvy dogs ‘bout how ye be free.

I’ve spun ‘tis yarn a the hour or a pair before, one ‘tis new fanged in6terweb, which shant be th’ same as tellin’ it on th’ seven seas. But for fear o’ the rocks sendin’ me to spy wit’ ye eye Davy Jones locker,  ‘t be time t’ tell ‘t again.

Spy wit’ ye deadlights bucko , we be free.  Free t’ do what we want on accoun’ o’ that guy tookst our sin t’ th’ cross.  He was marooned by his hands for pieces of eight. He sailed’ t’  Davy Jones’ locker an’ raised again. Th’ salt made us clist, spit shined , swabbed clist as th’ decks.  And now we be free to sail the seven seas.  Blimey, if this dead man told a tale!  We be havin’ but one captain an’ one voyage.  To obey th’ lad, an’ t’ serve others.

Look, here be th’ captains orders.

34 A new commandment I gift unto ye, me hearties, That ye love one another; as I be havin’ loved ye, that ye also love one another. John 13:34

Smartly there, men!

Take no Quarter.

Daily Post


Yesterday I thought I would take a nice easy 20 minute swim so I could let my mind drift and think about some stuff. Otherwise, I have to concentrate too much on counting the laps.

About 8 laps in, well I don’t really know because I wasn’t counting Anyway, about 8 laps in, a guy sat down on the wall in the lane next to me, and the next time I pushed off that wall he started his swim- and matched me stroke for stroke. So much for the easy swim! For the next 15 minutes we swam mostly side by side, he eventually backed off the pace a little :)!
And I was glad! It was good to be pushed. It was good to be made to focus and to go even when I wanted to take the turn easy.

And so we should be each day with our mates.

Iron sharpens iron,

and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 ESV)