Daily Post

Never Stop Improving

I have made a few trips to Lowe’s this week, as I have worked on my back porch, getting it ready for the winter, and taking care of the neglect of several season changes.  When I was leaving the store I glanced at my receipt and noticed two things.  First, I forgot how much the government takes from me every time I do anything, and second, Lowe’s tag line – Never Stop Improving.

I know they are talking about home improvements, but I think this fits a lot of the posts I have posted lately – keep going, and keep getting better – transforming yourself everyday.

Never Stop Improving

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 New International Version (NIV)

Daily Post

One Last Olympic Thought

I was cruising the web last night looking at this crazy mud run called Mudsanity, when I saw this picture on their Facebook wall, so I had to borrow it.

Awesome isn’t it.

And it’s correct, the Anthem isn’t going to sing itself – get up , get out and get to work.

and dont’ let the rocks do your job for you!

39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”

40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:39-41 New International Version (NIV)