It’s that time of the year again! It’s Geek Pride Day! Yes 35 glorious years ago Star Wars was released on this day. I still remember being dropped off with my big brother at the theater in Westminster, MD to watch that show.
I hope you show your Geek Pride today, and if you don’t have any Geek Pride, respect those Geeks that hang around you! 🙂
And with that, we will once again share are verse in lolcat
Check everyfingz out; Keep de cheezburgers that yu getz given.22 No goes neer eevils, k? 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
and L33T speak
bu7 7357 7h3m 4ll; h0ld 0n 70 wh47 15 g00d,22 r3j3c7 3v3ry k1nd 0f 3v1l. 1 7h3554l0n14n5 5:21
and in Mandalorian
5:21 | Test an kebise, bal taylir firmly ibac meg is jate. 5:22 | Abstain teh every form be ori'dush.
and plain old boring English!
21 but test them all; hold on to what is good,22 reject every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Be Strong and enjoy the great weekend!
28 De cheezburgers of Happy Cat be wiv yu. Thxbai. ( The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.)