Daily Post

Resolutions Twenty-Ten

So, how is it going to be said?  Twenty-ten? Two Thousand and Ten? Two Thousand Ten? Two-Oh-Ten?  However you say it its here-  2010! With the start of the year comes the yearly lets get in shape, get organized and do more resolutions.  I have heard several people over the last few days say they are recycling last years resolutions, or maybe even 2007’s resolutions.  Myself, I can’t stand for that.  My resolutions may be in the same theme as last years, but I think we must move forward.  I think our problem with resolutions is that we expect a “magic overnight transformation”.  Transformation can happen, and when it comes to our spiritual lives it must happen.  However, its not going to happen overnight.

I was checking for some lists of other’s resolutions and found this list:  Ben Franklin’s 13 Personal Goals.  ( I found it at via, a rather interesting site full of all sorts of tidbits).  Anyway, the interesting thing about Franklin’s list – besides being a pretty practical way as addressing personal change –  is that it admittedly took him years to transform the the personal he felt he needed to be.

So as you look for change in your life and set up your plan for Twenty-Ten, expect transformation, but don’t expect it over night.  You can be renewed and grow, day by day.

I resolve for twenty ten to become obsessed and to start each day fresh and new, in the knowledge of the perfection of my salvation and with a eye to the transforming power of Christ in my spirit.

8 Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. (Philippians 4:8, New Century Version)

How about you?

New Years Best of Countdown

Simple Truth

Originally published on June 25, 2009

Hey, this is pretty simple today, and I think it sums up a lot of Christrianity and boy, its sure seems I say this to my children a whole lot.  Treat people how you want to be treated.  Of course the flip side of this is “what goes around comes around”.

But really, this is such a simple truth, but can be so transformational in your life if you have never thought this way before.  It start to humanize others people and makes you aware that people are very much the same.  Look at the people around you and look for the things that you can do for them that you really would like people to do for you.

Have a good day and do to others..

Luke 6:31 (New International Version)

31Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Daily Post

End of the Decade

Its the end of the decade today.  Tomorrow we will be in the teens, and that means new fashion, new music, new hairstyles, new fades, new designs – the whole shooting match.  One thing however will be the same.  That’s the power of Christ to change your life and to make you new.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Since it is the end of the year/decade and since there are all sorts of countdowns and rewinds that happen.  The Daily Buffet will look back as well.  I have gone back and picked out 9 (since it is the end of 2009) favorite emails from early in this year and will post 1 every even hour from 8am until midnight.  FUN!  I hope you enjoy.

(oh , the pirate email is exclude, as it can only appear on September 18.

Happy New Year.

Daily Post

Don’t Stay in Bethlehem

Luke 2:52 (New International Version)

52And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Well its over!  Christmas has come and gone.  I sort of feel like Garfield today.  Anyway, we can’t stay in Bethlehem.  Just as Jesus left Bethlehem and grew and served, so must we.  So as you wind down the holiday and move into the next year, make plans for growth. Make plans to leave Bethlehem with a passion for the lost.  Make plans to grow in wisdom, and stature and in favor with God and men. 

I would love to here the ways the ideas you have to grow and serve.  What are you thinking about.  I will share some ideas over the next few weeks.

Daily Post

Be Confident

Wow!  only 17 days until Christmas!  It just makes me want to sing!  I have a facebook friend who is posting a Christmas song each day until Christmas.  Yesterday his post was Twisted Sister’s ” I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”.   Something seems really really odd about that! (thanks Josh!)

Anyway, lets continue on, and continue in him – as we have promises waiting for us, and when He comes back you want to be confident!  So even though we are saved by grace, it seems to be that there is an expectation of some sort of righteous living. That’s the daily transformation to be more and more like him.  We can do it!

1 John 2:28-29 (New International Version)

28And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.

29If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.