Daily Post

Great Day

I read this bit of encouragement this morning and thought I should pass it on to you!

What a great day for a great day!

Be great today – what else are you going to do?

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps 118:24 ESV

Daily Post

Trust God with Your Lunch

Yesterday afternoon I was listening to a John Maxwell talk that he delivered at the Catalyst Conference back in 2012.  It’s a pretty impressive 30 minute delivery with a lot of really good nuggets about life change and leadership.   Towards the end of the talk he tells the audience that he wants to leave them with one thought, and that thought is to “Trust God with Your Lunch”.

He reminded the audience of the story of the 5 loaves and how the little boy with the lunch didn’t need a miracle – he had his lunch.  But he was the vehicle to bless all those around him.  The idea he represented which really resounded with me was this – trust God with your lunch and let him use you to impact those around you!  Simple, straightforward and doable – Today.

Lord, my heart is not proud;

    my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great
or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—
now and always.Psalm 131:1-3 (NLT)

Trust God with your lunch and let him work in you.  Before long you will be able to trust him with so much more.

Daily Post

Not for Sale


Today is April 9 and it’s Shine a Light on Slavery Day.  Many of you probably didn’t realize the 27 Million people are still in some form of slavery – most of them against their own will.  This happens in the third world as you might expect, but also is happening at an alarming rate in America where 14K-17K people are caught up in sex trafficking each year! This maybe even happening in your town, on the streets you drive down everyday.   Even more frightening is that of the 27 Million, 80% are female and 50% are children!

Today, take a moment to consider those people, surf over to the End It Movement web site and educate yourself about this human travesty.  And then think about what you can do to raise awareness of this issue, and help take steps to end it!

Defend the weak and the orphans;
defend the rights of the poor and suffering.
Save the weak and helpless;
free them from the power of the wicked. Ps 82 NCV

Daily Post

84 I Miss You

My co teacher and I lamented this weekend when we discovered the 1984 version of the NIV Bible was not available at our favorite online Bible sites any longer.  What a pain!  There are lots of places where that’s the one that makes the most sense.  Plus we are getting old and that is the version we memorized!!! 🙂  The one we know!

Anyway, here is one verse for a Monday that definitely is better in the 84 version.

I run in the path of your commands,

For you have set my heart free. Psalm 119:32

Free! I like that idea so my better than “broadened my understanding!

But either way, running in the path of his commands yields some pretty great results, so maybe, we should check the path we are running on today.

Daily Post

A Simple Peace

Today just a quick look at a nice easy Psalm of David.

131 Lord, my heart is not proud;

    I don’t look down on others.
I don’t do great things,
and I can’t do miracles.
But I am calm and quiet,
like a baby with its mother.
I am at peace, like a baby with its mother.

People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord
now and forever.   Psalm 131 (NCV)