Daily Post

Change of Seasons

I am being overcome with this insidious desire to do.  I think over the last few years I have been very much in a season of  watching, observing and listening.  It seems like we talk about the same thing at work, we talk about the same things at church, we talk about the same things at home, but the forward progress is sometimes hampered by all the noise.

This morning I popped open my browser to this verse:

“Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it.” James 1:22 CEV

It seemed like a fitting thought for the day.  We can not fool ourselves into just being a spectator and expecting things to be the way we want them to be.  We must obey – we must do.  Sometimes we are convinced that the message of God is not a message do not, but I firmly believe the message of God is a message of Do!

I hope this begins to move me into a season of focused doing ( not busyness!).  At least it will help motivate me today!

Consider how you are responding the mercy and grace you have been giving today  – go , do!

Daily Post

Salty Springs

Last night I received an email about a project I am working on at work.  The email was changing some of the structure of the project and had some statements in it that could seem to be giving praise to those who don’t deserve it.

For some reason, my first instantaneous reaction was one of outrage and frustration.  But then I quickly stopped myself.  Why should these things upset us so much?  Lets look at the facts, the project was still being completed, the direction and strategy for the work was still on track and heading in the same direction.  Why did it matter who, and how?

I started thinking about my post from Tuesday about Micah 6 and what we really are here for.  I started thinking about Matthew 5, which I has just spend 30 minutes in conversation about, and I very quickly realized – this did not really matter, and in acutallity was a great time to help shine the light of Christ. 

For some reason its such a struggle for us to see past the noise of this world, and to concentrate of the important things, and to deal with conflict in a way that still brings glory to the Creator and deflects from us.

So, because of these thoughts,  two verses have been flitttering around in my head, so I thought I would share those today:

If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. John 15:10 NIV

 9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. James 3:9-12  New International Version (NIV)
Daily Post

The Verdict

I was trying to avoid it at all costs, but it has been everywhere.  Turn on the TV, it was there, Facebook, twitter, even in the hardware store.  If if you didn’t want to participate, you had to be pretty isolated to not have some clue about the Casey Anthony trial. And now it has make it to this “buffet of buffets”.

So, the verdict came down yesterday and the world went crazy.  Surprise, shock, and even outrage has been the rule of the day.  As I mentioned, I have tried to avoid this whole thing and have only paid partial attention whenever I have been around any coverage, but even with that little bit of observation, it’s pretty easy to lean toward the guilty side.

But today, I wanted to throw some other thoughts in the ring for your consideration.  I probably should not go here, and maybe very wrong about this, but here are some things tangentially related to the trial that I post for your consideration.

I noticed the outrage and condemnation all over my Facebook world last night and it reminded me of my old preacher man Steve Riley who would frequently say something to the effect of “we are quick to judge when it’s others, but quick to beg for mercy when it is us”.  (That’s not really a quote, and I am sure he was not the original creator of that thought, but it is him who I always think of when that concept creeps into my little brain)

Anyway, as you consider the Anthony young lady, and the disaster that is her existence on this Earth, think about the mercy that you walk in the the light of everyday.  Do she do it? – yes probably.  Is it just the most horrific thing you can think of – well for me, I can actually think of some things much more horrific, but this one is pretty bad.  Should the legal system produce a more just result?- I would think so.  (That being said, I am glad for a legal system that leans toward innocence, versus the alternative).  Should we react to her in a condemning way – hm, this is where I catch myself.  Take a look at these two teachings:


12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment! James 2:12-13 New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

22 And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. 23 Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jude 1:22-23 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Christ, the most beautiful man to ever live, and I mean that not in appearance, but in his character and spirit, admonishes us to be careful with judgement, even so much as to turn that over to God, and to be free with mercy – rescuing those who are in trouble, but hating the actions they have taken. I wish I could be that way, and that is why I sit and stare at these verses this morning and consider the tragedy in Orlando, and formulate what sort of reaction to have to that mess.

What do you think?

Daily Post

Go Google Yourself

When I woke up this am, the local radio station was playing a game called “Go Google Yourself”. Sounds dirty. So, I a listened I realized that this was a game to guess what that the number one topic that was being googled today. Evidently today it’s Glen Beck. So I thought I would mention Glen Beck so I can get some extra hits from Google.

Seriously, have you ever googled yourself? Its a pretty interesting exercise. You can find out stuff about yourself, or maybe find other people around the work with the same name. For instance, I have discovered indiviuals with my name that spend time as insurance commissions, tattoo artist, WWF fighters, and musicians.

It seems its pretty important to make sure you have some understanding of yourself both on the inside and out. For instance, I can tell when the conditions are ripe for me to be exetremely grouchy with being, however, when I understand myself, I can notice the signs and try to take some alternative action.

And then there’s this great verse from James, the book that I tear out of my Bible, quite freqently. Ol’ James tells us that we should understand and do the perfect law, just like we understand ourselves.

 22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. (James 1:22-25, New International Version, ©2011)

So – Go Google yourself, it will make you a better person.

Daily Post

The Gospel According to Ackbar

I few weeks ago, I picked up this sweet woot shirt.  Most Star Wars fans will get the reference right off.  If you are not then listen up – thats Admiral Ackbar who, when the rebel alliance is attacking the death star ( the cheese), makes the famous line that for some reason is so ridiculed.  When he realized his squadrons are in trouble he shouts out “It’s a trap!”

I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about ol’ Ackbar, and his infamous warning.  For it seems that we find ourselves most of time in the position of the the X wing fighter pilots.  Think about those guys – heading in for what appears to be treasure and true victory.  Hey look, no defense, hey look, a helpless little Death Star just waiting for us to take it over.  Could life get any better?

Yep that’s us.  Oh what could it hurt?  Sure I need more money – look it’s just there for the taking.  One look, one touch, one taste.  Whoo hoo, we are in like Flynn!  oops…

Fortunately, we have words similar to the Admiral to remind us what is going on.  First there are the words of James crying out “Trap, Trap”

14We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us. James 1:14 (CEV)

oh those temptations.  like cheese on a mouse trap, like the Death Star without any defense.  Next we see Paul writing to Timothy, instructing him to warn people of the traps that are blinding them as he says.”It’s a trap”, the devil’s tricks and mirages are just traps! Pull up Pull Up..”

and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, 2 Timothy 2:26 (NIV)

Finally, in the theme of Ackbar are the words of the Christ himself reminding us of how careless living can lead us right into a trap.

33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

34 “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. 35 For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Luke 21:33-35 (NIV)

So today, heed the warning of Ackbar and remember that some of the things of life may look great, but really “It’s a trap!”

Pull Up! Pull Up!