Daily Post

Plays Well with Others

I ran across this quote yesterday and that it was pretty good.

Promote yourself, but do not demote another.Israel Salanter

I might not agree 100 percent with the first part of self promotion, however, this same thought has been on my mind a lot over the last two weeks as I deal with stuff at work.  It has made me an even firmer believer that tearing down others to get your way just isn’t the way to go.  I have watched a few cases of this bullying behavior lately, and it really has impressed me. Not in a “That’s Awesome” sort of way.  More of in a “How repulsive” sort of way.

As we, as followers of the Christ, go through our day,  we have responsibilities in our employment to share ideas and even to promote our own thinking (to God’s glory of course!).  But we have no room to do that at the sake of destroy or demoting or belittling others.  Or as one of my coworkers said last fall when he was working on peer reviews – “Do no harm”.

So today, be honest, be helpful but don’t demote belittle and demean those you meet!  ( I hope I follow this advice myself!)

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 ESV