Daily Post New Years Best of Countdown

Best of 2011 Day 4

Oh, there were so many great posts – from shining cereal boxes, to talks about creativity to Tim Tebow, to talk about movies, to reminders about incredible people.  I could repost for weeks! But since this weekend sort of winds down college football, lets look back to the first weekend, and remember to continue to wear your colors.


I would still love to hear your favorite of the year – let me know!

Daily Post New Years Best of Countdown

Best of 2011 Day 3

There seemed to be a recurring topic about fear these year for me. I am not exactly sure why, but I think it has to do with the amount of time I spent studying risks.

Anyway, in September I addressed apparently 84 fears.

Daily Post New Years Best of Countdown

Best of 2011 Day 2

Continuing our little trip down memory lane, I decided to jump to August, where a conference call didn’t go so well. I hope that I don’t see that dude next year at all, and that my light always shines. How about you?

Daily Post New Years Best of Countdown

Best of 2011 Day 1

I am taking this week off from blogging, but don’t be downtrodden!  There will be still be posts.  I have spent a little time reviewing some of my posts for the year, and I have picked 4 to share with  you to help you remember the year as well.  Also, I would love to hear from you! What was  your favorite post of the year?

Anyway, today, take a trip back to January 27 and remember desserts make the best dinners. ( you have to follow the link 🙂 )