I mentioned earlier that I would follow up on the Rebekah Lyons podcast thoughts. So here we go. During the interview with the guys at Relevant Magazine, she made this statement that sort of stuck with me,. She was talking about finding your calling and figuring out a purpose in your life. The interviewer asked her what she would say to people who think they have found their calling but are struggling with it become a reality in their life. This is how she ended the published interview and I thought it was very interesting. Especially in a week where I am really focusing on being still, and listening to & for God.
We must be always producing, or we must feel like our work is attached to what we do, but God is like ‘Just stop, We can do this your way or we can do this my way. My way will require some waiting. It’s going to require some listening.’ There becomes such a dependency on Him moving His hand and far less a dependency on me completing my to-do list. Because I am kind of like , ‘Lord, maybe I am getting lazy, but I would rather just wait for you to make it painfully clear’. And when we start to say that in a regular fashion and a regular pattern of prayer, we begin to be blown away at what he really is up to. – Rebekah Lyons
It seems fitting to reshare the same verse from earlier in the week
10 “Stand silent! Know that I am God! Psalm 46:10 (TLB)