Daily Post

Grace and Light

I haven’t posted for sometime, because I felt that my thoughts were pretty stagnant and duplicate.  The time has been good, as my mind is now full of thoughts that may make it to words.

For instance, lately I have been thinking about the power and majesty of the grace of our savior.  How it can permeate every aspect of the our day if we let it.  It impacts our relationships, our thoughts, our intentions, our interactions with others and the way we view ourselves.

That grace, and the light that it creates is something worth following and living in.

Find your way to that light today and then reflect it to the others around your.  Receive the grace given to you, and then give it away. Give it all the time to others.


2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.1 Peter 1:2


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