Daily Post


Over the last few weeks, the Jeremy Camp song, Overcome has continually rattled through my brain.  I think it’s a reaction to all the craziness that is going on around the world and the apparent disdain for righteousness.  It’s enough, at times ,to make even the strongest lose hope.  But the course in this song recalls the shouts of the angels in the last days as they declare in victory

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.  Revelation 12:11

So, here  we stand today, worried, anxious and sorted, while  the plan of victory is plainly laid out before us.

We overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony.  That’s the plan.  The blood has been spilled already.  How are we doing on the testimony?

Daily Post

Kind Enough

Over the last few months, the Daily Buffet has been anything but daily.  My mind has been all over the board and my time to write has been limited.  I have felt like there’s more on my mind than I have time to write and therefore I have not been writing.

The events of the last few weeks, both personally and worldwide, have convicted me that I must once again make this a priority in my life.   I hope that you find it helpful, and if you do, maybe, sometime, let me know!

So lets restart, with a reminder about why we never quit!

1God has been kind enough to trust us with this work. This is why we never give up. 2 Corinthians 4:1 (CEV)