Daily Post

One Word 365 – 2015!

Well, it’s May 1 and it is the 121 day of 20151  It seems to be about the right time for me to write my OneWord365 post for 2015!   I have been thinking about this word all year, but as you know from my content this year, it has been a struggle for me to produce very many long form posts!

This particular word struck me back in December and as soon as I heard it I knew it would be my word for this year.  My word is


Of course it comes from the verb root, which in its intransitive form means ‘to grow roots’ or ‘take root or to have an origin or base’.  I love that last part – having a base!  I continually want to be set in something, to be connected to something that allows me to flourish, and like those trees that line my neighbors yard, to be able to stand strong in the storms and trials of life!  Of course, that base comes from above, and has proven quite worthy over time!  Check out this from Psalm 92

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
13 planted in the house of the Lord,
    they will flourish in the courts of our God.

So there it is, a little late, but still driving my thoughts and keeping me focus of the Christ for the year. How about you? It’s never to late!

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