Last night my small group spent some time talking about the difference between being busy and being hurried. It’s was a good conversation, but also surprisingly hard as we tried to draw a line between spending time doing lots of things and letting those things spend you. Eventually, we took a look at the story of Martha and Mary over the Dr. Luke’s narrative. What the Christ says here is so piercing, but yet so freeing.
41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, Luke 10 41-42 (NASB)
One thing. That’s it. Him. Think about it. Think about what you are hurrying to, if it’s not that one thing, why?
By the way, if you are in town, feel free to come to one of these small group conversations. They are good and will challenge you in many ways.