Daily Post

Further Faster

Man, some dude stole my running shoes yesterday.

I am so disappointed.

I love running shoes.

Just so you know, when I moved into college, I moved boxes of running shoes into my dorm room.  I mean boxes!  This is on the level of the number of shoes girls typically keep lying around.  My collection has reduced a bit now.  Partly because  I pay for these things myself and partly because my total mileage has decreased. However,  I think I still have a pair sitting in every room  waiting patiently to provide service.

So, yesterday, when I discovered my current pair of shoes had involuntarily gone on the lame, assisted by an unknown person, I was pretty bummed.

But then I started thinking.  I hope this guy really needed shoes.  Maybe these worn out pair of stinking things was an upgrade for his aching feet? Maybe he just liked the way the colors highlighted his eyes.. lol .  Who knows why, but I realized I had to let this disappointment go and pray that this thief finds a blessing in his new footwear.


May we use all of our failures and disappointments to help others to go further and to go faster.

Daily Post

Make it Beautiful

A few months ago, I mentioned how I had just discovered All Sons and Daughters.  I am still listening and am still just amazed by their powerful lyrics.  Maybe it’s just me, but, wow, the more I listen, the more I love their lyrics.

For instance, this little bit from Brokenness Aside, that is on replay in my mind today.


I am a sinner,

if it’s not one thing,

it’s another.

Caught up in words,

tangled in lies.

You are a Savior

you take brokenness aside


you make it beautiful.

Daily Post


This weekend I had the great honor of hearing Walt Leaver speak. He was visiting our church here in Chattanooga and delivered an inspiring message based on these words from the great text:

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9‬:‭10‬ NIV

This message hidden deep in the Old Testament is perfect for the side of a coffee mug, and is a perfect mantra for our daily mundane lives. Give all you can to everything you do!


Daily Post

Time to Stop

Everyday I get a simple email sent from IFTTT called “10 Things You Need to Know Today”. It has a brief summary of what they consider the top ten stories of the day.  Since I am not in front of TV very much, this is a good way for me to stay on top of current events.  And if there is one thing I learned from Ranger Rick in elementary school, it was that staying on top of current events is important!

Yesterday, the email contained this blurb:

6. Pope Francis begs for end to global crises
Pope Francis on Sunday made an emotional plea to end the various violent conflicts that have bubbled up around the globe in recent weeks. Citing the upcoming 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, the pontiff said he was dismayed by the chaos claiming the lives of innocents — especially children — in the Middle East and Ukraine. “Please stop,” he said at the close of his regular address. “I ask you with all my heart, it’s time to stop.” [Reuters]

This is something that we should all get behind.  There seems there is an unrest around the globe at the moment, and we should all be finding ways to voice our opposition.

14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.  Hebrews 12:14 (NIV)

Daily Post

Free Tea Day

It’s the day all tea lovers have been waiting for!!!


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Head over to McAllister’s and refresh yourself with some sweet tea on this hot mid summer day, and think about these words of the Lord our God!

25 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. Jeremiah 31:25 (NIV)