I am so excited, today is Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day! What a great motivator to make sure we take a positive action towards our neighbors. (Oh, you might want to remind yourself of the who that is!)
Speaking of something that motivates, take a look at this. This is my dad. No, not the little guy with the scarf, but the other one.
And this is my mom. Yes, the one in white. No the tall one!
Yep, that’s my parents out playing in the snow. My parents, who should we say automatically qualify for certain discounts at certain restaurants. This week 8 inches of snow and cold temperatures came their way. They could have just waited inside by the nice warm fireplace, however, they found a way to turn this ‘hardship’ into some good fun and action. It’s just a snowman you might say (and a clean driveway!) But to me, and I hope to you as well, it was a great reminder to keep on going, to keep looking for bright spots and to find ways to ‘do’ even when conditions are not perfect.
It was also a great way to spend those few precious days that we are given on this Earth, making memories and impacting others. So lets bring on the weekend, and the celebration of Man Day on Sunday! It’s the end of the 6th week (46 to go!), beat the winter doldrums and make it count!
31 The hoary head is a crown of glory; It shall be found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31 (ASV)