Daily Post

Good Thing

Several months ago I spent days thinking about how the love of Jesus compels us to action. I think I may have even wrote about it a time to two. It was probably more since this blog is mostly a dump of stuff floating around my synapses.

Anyway, this morning I was reminded of that verse again in a major way. During my morning drive, which has become quite lengthy, I was listening to a podcast where the speaker was talking about this verse and relationships. The speaker mentioned how as followers of the Christ, we are constrained by his love. At first that may seen very bad, and even restrictive. However when we realize that Jesus died for us despite our sin, we really have no option in the way we treat people. We so often wish to set our standards and deal with people because of their actions. We must transform and deal with other in spite of their actions. In spite of the way we are treated we have no choice but to respond with love , grace and mercy. Our lives, our thoughts, our judgments, have been constrained by His love.

That’s a good thing.

2 Corinthians 5:14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.