Daily Post


This is a thought that I saw on Twitter that I just just love. So much that I felt it needed to be shared today.

If I make a positive difference in my own life and in the life of someone else, each and every day, I win. #victory

Make a difference today! And gain the #Victory.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12 NIV)

Daily Post


Did you know that four is the only number that, in English, has the number of letters equivalent to its numerical value?

Pretty incredible huh?

What does that have to do with the last day of July? Well nothing really. But it should help you make it a great day!

Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. (2 Samuel 7:28 NIV)

Daily Post

Giving it Away

Check out this video. These guys are trying to give money away and no one will take it!


Is that not interesting?

What I find interesting is that this is very much like the way we treat the creator. The creator wants to give us good gifts. Yet at times we do not want to take them. In that great sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us that all we have to do is knock or ask and we will get what we want. He tells us that the father longs to give us good gifts but it is up to us to ask. So today be sure when you see closed doors in front of you that you knock, be sure to seek, be sure to ask. And then let the father lavish you with gifts. Oh and take what he gives you!