Daily Post

Calm and trust

A few months ago I wrote about the borrowed concept of trusting God with your lunch and I shared this passage.

Lord, my heart isn’t proud; my eyes aren’t conceited. I don’t get involved with things too great or wonderful for me. No. But I have calmed and quieted myself like a weaned child on its mother; I’m like the weaned child on me. (Psalms 131:1, 2 CEB)

I think it’s a good one to revisit and think about. The whole idea of calming yourself and putting you trust in this wonderful creator is something I think we do not consider enough.

As you go forward today, trust God with the small things and calm yourself. I am certain you will find a new peace and be able to tackle whatever is laid in front of you today!

O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor do I have a haughty look. I do not have great aspirations, or concern myself with things that are beyond me. Indeed I am composed and quiet, like a young child carried by its mother; I am content like the young child I carry. (Psalms 131:1, 2 NET)