Daily Post

Consider the Birds

Keeping the Sermon on the Mount deal going this morning, I thought I would grab one more sentence with a powerful punch to share on this first Friday in June.

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Yeah, that’s incredible.  Actually this is the way the start of the section that I shared the conclusion yesterday.

It sort of reminds me of some friend I have who sold their house without any idea of where they were going to move.  They just put it out there and sold.  For me, I think I would have a nervous breakdown in that situation.  But they just sold and boom, temporary housing appeared, and then boom, a house with a great price appeared.  Pretty awesome!

So, remember your place in the scheme of things today, and remember who is taking care of you.  That should help remove whatever it is that you find yourself anxious!