Daily Post

Hello, My Name is

Today is National Nametag Day!  Yeah, that’s right.  I wrote about this last year as well, (oh and evidently before, so  reread this one too!).  It seem this is “Celebrate Your Name Week“, or for people in the know that’s simply called CYNW.

So, I continue to celebrate this particular part of CYNW with a another post about name tags!  I began by thinking what I might place on my name tag besides my given name, which as you know, was celebrated this past Sunday with the remembrance of Namesake day.

I thought about ‘Manwell’, or ‘The Most Interesting Man in the World”, or simply “Harry”.  But despite that I still would be me.  However, there is one name that I could place on there, that would actually take my place, and change my behavior.  Look at this

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Gal 3:27

So today, I wear a name tag that simply says “Hello my name is… Jesus”.

I hope I can represent him well.

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