It’s the first real day of the year, the day most of us, minus educators are heading back to the daily grind after hopefully enjoying a great break and time with family. I think I may have spent more hours at home over the last few weeks then I did in October and November combined! So full of energy and completely rejuvenated I begrudgingly head off to the office to get back to ‘work’.
But it’s a new year, and that means it’s time for a new focus. Today I will reveal my one word for the year. I hope you spent a little time doing this as well. I found this idea actually helped last year. It was so much more motivating then a list of short-lived resolutions! (You should try it, really!)
I played with the word renew, but I felt it seemed too New Years dayish, even thought I really liked the concept of always trying to re-create each day in the year. But I left that and went in a slightly different ! This word was sort of leaked yesterday in the concept of the video that I posted.
This year my word is:
It’s an adjective, it’s a noun, it’s an adverb, and I think it is quite motivational. I am hopeful that it can help focus me when I relate to others, when I evaluate my actions, when I spent my money and when I prioritize and plan my activities. This isn’t a word that I intend to use to describe myself, but something that I hope will keep me focused with the correct mindset each and every day in 2013. I mean look at what the Christ himself said about it.
“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.” Luke 18:19 NASB
However, since it does describe the Creator of the Universe, I am hoping that it will help me keep my eye on him! So with that, just one more thing to add. I want to extend the one word 365 concept just a small bit, by adding a verse for the year as well:
10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
So that’s my word for the year. What’s yours? Share it in the comments, or add it to the oneword365 site!