Daily Post

10-4 Amigo

Since this is October 4, I fully expected today to be C-B Radio Day.  Turns out it’s just National Taco Day, which evidently is actually Aztecian food, not Mexican food.

In 1520, the conquistador Hernando Cortez wrote to King Charles V of Spain to describe his experiences in the New World. In his letter he mentioned a delicious meal the Aztec inhabitants prepared with “tlaxcalli” or “tortilla.” It is the first historical reference to tacos. – From

So, that’s that.  And we know that everyone loves tacos!

Speaking of love, I discovered this great motto yesterday.

“Love God, love people, do stuff!”- Bob Goff

I love it more than tacos!  I mean , what else is there?

And since we are talking about tacos, which makes me think about fish tacos, Baja Style! Anyway, tacos and loving and doing stuff, I can’t help but to harken back to the Feeding of the 5000 and how Jesus instructed his posse when they ask him to disperse the crowd so they would have time to get to the restaurants before the game started, before nightfall.

16 But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.” Matthew 14:16

If that isn’t an indictment towards us to act, I am not sure what is!