Daily Post

Upgrades, Tweets and Others

It’s Friday, so I will be careful as I head to work today to avoid the leaks from the garbage truck – both literally and metaphorically. ( is that the correct usage of that word?)

I upgraded to Word Press 3.4 this morning and it’s supposed to do cool things with tweets, so I had to find a good one.  This is one I discovered last month, that I thought was really really thought-provoking. (If in the email feed you just see a twitter URL, the tweet says this “So far I’ve been able to passionately love everyone I’ve met today. But now I’m going to have to leave my office.”)

In my case, I might change it and say “now I’m going to leave for the office.”)

Think about it!


7You are rich in everything—in faith, in speaking, in knowledge, in truly wanting to help, and in the love you learned from us. In the same way, be strong also in the grace of giving.
8 I am not commanding you to give. But I want to see if your love is true by comparing you with others that really want to help.9You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You know that Christ was rich, but for you he became poor so that by his becoming poor you might become rich.2 Corinthians 8:7-9 New Century Version (NCV)


Daily Post

Happy Flag Day

It’s Flag Day, and for some reason its one of my strongest memories of elementary school ( besides messing up the 8’s multiplication table).  It’s probably because I every time I remember doing those Flag Day activities at school, I always stop and think, why were we still in school on June 14! So for me today marks the official day of summer!  There’s no one that should still be in school after today!!!!

 Anyway, it’s flag day – so let’s celebrate the ol’ Stars and Stripes!  But since as Christ followers we are ‘strangers in this here land’, lets not forget the other flag that we live under.  Let us be like Moses and remember the Lord is our banner!

 15 Then Moses built an altar and named it The Lord is my Banner.  Exodus 17:15  New Century Version (NCV)

Wave it Proudly!

Daily Post

Power Source

Just a simple thought today, as you struggle through the work day, remember where your strength comes from:


17 You might say to yourself, “I am rich because of my own power and strength,”18 but remember the Lord your God! It is he who gives you the power to become rich, keeping the agreement he promised to your ancestors, as it is today.  Deuteronomy 8:17-18 New Century Version (NCV)
Daily Post

Lessons from a Comic

Saying it today with a comic borrowed from Radio Free Babylon

Etcetera, etcetera

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 NIV)

Daily Post


The garbage truck runs on Friday mornings at my house. Sometimes early on Fridays, like while I am still in the shower early.  Anyway, when I drive in to work, I usually pass by the truck as it goes down my street.  Sometimes there will be a trail of liquid going down the road, thicker at each stop of the truck as it drips out from some one’s garbage.

Last Friday morning, I didn’t even think about the long trail of toxicity as I passed by the garbage truck.  At lunch, I drove out to meet some friends, which is unusual, and I noticed that my tires looked like that had mud on them.  That’s was odd, as I hadn’t recalled being off-road.  Later Monday night, as I was leaving work, I approached my truck from the front and noticed that my front tire had a big paint spot on the tread.  Hm.  I wondered where that had happened.  I thought maybe, when I was at the recycling center after lunch, I drove in a little bit of paint on the road.  Since it was light brown, I still had not realized that the ‘mud’ on the side on my truck was not mud at all.

Nope, it was not until I drove up my street and noticed the long 1/2 mile trail of light brown tires marks in the lane coming the opposite direction.  That wasn’t just water dripping from the garbage truck.  It was a toxic, staining, damaging mixture, left for those who followed to step right in.

That’s right.  Paint!  nice light brown mud-looking paint, splattered all over my wheel wells and down the side of my truck.


Another day is in store for me cleaning up someone’s mess they left to splatter all over me!

Poor truck!  And sometimes poor us!

When you leave people how do they feel?  Do they feel like they just ran through the stuff that leaked off the garbage truck?  Or do they feel uplifted and refreshed.

Don’t drip toxins – but instead,  as Micheal from the Handwritten says,

Drip Jesus.


 29When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need—words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you.  Ephesians 4:29 New Century Version (NCV)