Daily Post

Happy Black Friday

Well it’s Black Friday here in America, and this site is still free!! Hopefully none of you were pepper sprayed this morning while out grabbing that perfect gift at a perfect price! I am late at publishing today, because I am still feeling the effects of the turkey and have been quite lazy this morning. For which I am quite thankful. I did see all the people lined up last night at Toys R Us and am also quite thankful I was not in the mess.

If you are out in the thick of it today, don’t forget that spirit of thankfulness that we celebrated yesterday! If you are hanging around the house, remember to continue to be thankful for all those special gifts you have been blessed to have around you!

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. (Psalm 100:4 KJV)

Enjoy your family friends food and time away from your labor.

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