Daily Post

Nails and Big Scary Doors

You all know what today is.  Yep, it’s a day that we wait all year for.  A day full of excitement and horror.  A day full of things that are both fun and terrifying at the same time.  That’s right – it’s Reformation Day!


Yes, October 31 is the day that Luther nailed his grieves to the door of the church.  That list call The 95 Theses contained a list of issues he had with the tradition of the church in his day and started the period of biblical understand that is referred to as the Reformation Period.  This led to the creation of the Protestant movement.  Notice the protest in that word!

So anyway, today on October 31, it’s a good time to be reminded of how we need to constantly be on guard to monitor the tradition of the day and the messages of culture.  We should always be stacking those up against the words of the creator of the world, and his son.

I thought these words from Romans would be good to help remind us of that.  I know I post from Romans a lot, and I use this verse a lot. I think that is because I need to be reminded of them so often.

2Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.Romans 12:2 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

oh and Happy Halloween.

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