Daily Post

National Letter of Intent Day

Its here.  Its the culmination of all the college football recruiting.  Its National Signing Day, or Letter of Intent Day.  (For all of you non football fans – its the day when high school seniors “commit” to the university which they will attend and play football.  Its the day they make their intentions clear. – who wouldn’t be excited about that, right?)

So anyway, college football fans will wait anxiously today to see if their school will commit enough talent to make the fans happy for the next 5 years.  This is one of those out of control, overly hyped days that make America what it is.

However, declaring your intent isn’t always hyped up.  Sometimes is a little, well unfortunate, like the two guys caught stealing Twinkies because they left their tracks in the snow.  They made their intentions well known to all.   However when it comes to our lives, intent isn’t hyped up enough.

Declaring our intentions is important.  No coach likes a player who is not certain which team his is going to play.  Likewise, deciding how your going to live is important as well.  Being intention in our actions or living with intent is good.  Deciding how you are going to approach situations in life ahead of time helps you deal with those situations when they occur.

Think about your intentions.  Fence sitting is really becoming less and less fashionable.  If you had to sign up today, where would you sign up?  And recall Joshua, and the day he declared his intention.

14 “Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. 15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:1-15