Daily Post

Where’s the lightning?

This morning is tough for me.  My body is craving the warmth and comfort of the bed, my mind is dreading the day the lays in front of me and me ear already hurts from the prospect of a having a headset on my ear all day!

But really what sort of life is it when you dread the day? The day is more than that, and so I starting thinking about how to refresh and renew on a day that my eyelids seems stuck together!  And since I could not conjure up a lightning delay that would stop the clock from moving toward the start of the day,  I needed to find a way to light myself up!  So, I took a look over in 1 Peter:

22Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24For,
“All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
25but the word of the Lord stands forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.  1 Peter 1:22-25 (New International Version)

Hm, its not about conference calls, its about loving those around you, because you have been born again.  Man, its amazing how changing your perspective can help you get you game face on.  Born Again – each and every day, because there are only few of them.

Let your light shine!

Daily Post

The Prodigal Kitty

Almost every morning when I awake I look at on my back porch I find one of our cats sitting in the corner of the porch sleeping.  It’s usually Todd, the cat that likes us.  But today it was Bruce, the traitor.  We call him that because he spends more time at the neighbor’s house, in the neighbor’s garage and eating the neighbor’s food then doing the same on our side of the street.  The “crazy cat lady” across the street has him under her spell.  So it brought me great joy to see him willingly sleeping on our porch this morning.  The prodigal had come home.

So I sat on the edge of the bed willing myself to get up, looking at Bruce and thinking about our own lives.  I wonder if the joy I felt this morning is similar to the joy that God feels when we willingly give ourselves to him.  And I wonder if the jealously and anger I feel when I see Bruce partaking of the temptation that the crazy cat lady has to offer doesn’t some how parallel to the jealously and anger the God must feel when we decide to strike out on our own and indulge ourselves in our own ways.

For me this had been a bright spot in a morning filled with anxiety as I try to figure out how to accomplish 48 hours worth of activities in 8 hours.  Maybe I should learn something from Bruce, and stretch out on God’s back porch, let him handle the stress and bask in the light of his joy.

8Come near to God and he will come near to you.  James 4:8

Have a great Holiday weekend.  Stay close to our God and Savior.

Daily Post

A Chance to Renew

Last night I think I witnessed the longest soccer game in the history of the world.  That’s unofficial, but check this out.  After my team, the Bucs, were completed dominated, at least possession wise, for the first 58 minutes of the game, the traditional summer weather pattern produced its traditional afternoon thunderstorms and whamo, we were in a one hour lightning delay.   ( On a side note, I thought that maybe I had missed the supposed ‘rapture’ during this part of the game.  While the players where pulled from the field, and the rain still a few miles away, I decided to run to the restroom, while everyone just milled around waiting for something to happen.  After a rather long line in the restroom, I exited, to see the wind whipping around in circles, the rain starting to fall and to my surprise everyone and everything off of the soccer field.  For a moment I thought I was left behind.  – oh TMI I know, back to the game)

Before this break, the Bucs were beat.  Their faces said it, their body language said it. They were struggling to keep up, but at least they had kept their opponent out of the goal. After the lightning break, they were completely different.  They were renewed, focused, determined, and just barely missed several chances to get the ball into the goal. The game continued scoreless for the remaining 22 minutes and the 30 minutes of extra time- which lead to the famed shootout.  Fortunately, the Bucs put in 3 while keeping the opponent to only 2, to earn quite an impressive hard earned victory almost 5 hours after the kickoff, that really was the product of a renewing of their focus.

Whats interesting to me is how our days are like this some times, and for me yesterday was.  Yesterday, I was being mastered by my insane schedule and the pressure of the world and work.  I felt similar to the Bucs  – running around, chasing a ball, and having to take a highly defensive posture to survive.  However, this is not where we want to be.  We want to be living for our master, not being mastered by the world. It times like this that it may be best to declare a lightning break and regroup and refocus.  With a renewed mind,  you can continue to transform yourself into a champion of life.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.   Isaiah 40:30-31 (New International Version)

Daily Post

Salt Life

I Love the beach.  I am so looking forward to my time there again this summer ( hopefully, not covering in tar and oil from that sunken rig). Anyway, as a lot of you do, I really enjoy my time at the ocean on the beach  – the sand, the smell, the warmth, the sun, the salt. The Salt. As much as it’s a little trendy, I like these Salt Life stickers people have on their vehicles.

I like them because they are a reminder to me – a reminder of the ocean and a reminder of a message for life.  This week I have continually been thinking about Luke 14 and the message there about living the Salt Life.

 34“Salt is excellent. But if the salt goes flat, it’s useless, good for nothing.   “Are you listening to this? Really listening?”  The Message

Flat salt is good for nothing.  Some other translations say its not even good for the manure pile!  

 34“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 35It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.
      “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  New International Version (NIV)

I don’t think I want to have a life that is not even good enough for the manure pile!  

 I am trying to be salty.  I am trying to live the salt life and to impact people – by expressing love and concern for them.  By being the spice that makes things better.  This is so important that the Christ even asks “Hey – do you hear this? – BE SALTY” . 

So today slap that Salt Life tag on your vehicle, on your surfboard, on your keyboard, on your whiteboard, or in the board room.  Dream of the ocean and lazy days in the surf, but also, impact others by being the salt of life.

Daily Post

Smile and Wave

Today,  I have an interesting engagement.  At times it sort of makes me feel like the penguins in the movie Madagascar “Smile and Wave Boys, just Smile and Wave”.  

But really it’s more than that – even though I am working within some pretty Dilbertesque parameters.   Its really more about helping people.  Without going into too many details about the whole thing, let’s just say it could be very easy for me to take a hands off approach, just smile and wave, keep everyone happy and move on.   But I don’t think thats the difference that we are asked to make in peoples lives.  I have been thinking alot ( like all year so far) about living to make those around me better.   It’s been a little silent mantra of mine so far this year at work.  Today is one of those opportunities when it is what the entire day is really about – making those around me better.

Isn’t that really the way we are called to live every day? (Remember the old children’s bible program acronym for JOY – Jesus Others You)  It seems to me that taking that approach everyday is  pretty good.  Check this quote out:

“To do something, however small, to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition, the most elevating hope, which can inspire a human being” John Lubbock quotes (English Biologist and Politician, 1834-1913)

And then there’s this little bit of encouragement from Philippians:

 1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:1-4 (New International Version)

So today, go out and make those around you better.  Find ways to encourage those you come in contact with, and look out for their interests, not your own.