Daily Post

Just Like Bathing.

It’s that time of the week again – Friday. And today I am pulling a little motivation from Mr Positive Thinking, Zig Ziglar

Yes, each and every day.  Each day you get to buffet yourself a little bit and keep working out the kinks!  Keep finding motivation, keep reinventing, keep pushing forward, and keep bathing!

16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16 English Standard Version (ESV)

Daily Post

Today’s Wish

On of the great things about the new year is that there is a wealth of motivational material published. Earlier this week I saw this poster on designMilk.

So, what are you going to do today, that you would normally have put off.  Don’t let 2013 roll around and find you still in the same spot.  Start – Today.

15 As has just been said:

“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts
as you did in the rebellion.”  Hebrews 3:15 New International Version (NIV)

Daily Post

Content Whatever the Circumstances

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and today I believe that is so true.  Take a look at this picture a friend of mine shared on Facebook.  It’s from the Tough Mudder, which is dubbed “probably the toughest event on the planet”.  The new phenomenon is a set of extremely grueling obstacle courses, and this is the one of the latest endurance events that has swept the nation.  But anyway, here’s the picture from Tough Mudder. ‘Nuf said.

 10-14I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles. Philippians 4:10-14 The Message (MSG)


Daily Post

Quotable Art

Early this morning I found this set of quite inspiring posters that I just had to share with all you you.  Take a look at this group of thought provoking quotes and the accompany art that I think will help to move you out of your comfort zone and into a place of riskiness.  Since this whole concept of transforming and leaving our comfort zone is what I write about a lot, it just seem good to share these.


And then remember what your Creator has said to you:

7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.  Luke 12:7 NIV

Oh and let me know your favorite. Mine happens to be  “You’ll have an entire eternity to think inside the box!”

Daily Post

A Story about Water

This weekend I heard of a remarkable story that I thought I would share with you.   You may have seen this on the news already, but it’s still worth considering, and it quite inspiring.

There was a nine year old girl named Rachel who for her birthday this summer, decided to forgo presents to raise money for clean water projects in developing nations.  She wanted to raise $300 and raised just a little over $200.  That’s pretty cool!

But here is the rest of the story.  A few weeks after her birthday, Rachel was traveling in her family vehicle on the interstate.  Unfortunately, there was a fourteen car pileup that her family vehicle was caught up in and she was killed.  That part really stinks.

Well, here is the real rest of the story.  The word of this little girl’s birthday wish has traveled across the country and this weekend her birthday wish has raised over $1 Million dollars for water projects!  That’s correct $1 Million!

I was watching the counter all weekend and have watched it increase $40K from Saturday morning to Monday.  It’s quite an amazing outreach from people all over the country.  It also teaches us that we don’t always understand the plans that are out there, nor what one little risky thing can do.

There are several lessons from this story I guess, I found this how situation inspiring and motivating on multiple fronts, I hope you do as well.

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14:8 NIV


Oh and be thankful for that running water that you will use today!