Daily Post

It’s the crazy full moon

It’s that crazy full moon again, and the kids are letting all the teachers know that with their subtle behavior changes.

Now back to our blog…

I am not sure what the moon stage has to do with anything, but I think they beginning of this entry today demonstrates the scattered interior of my brain today.  I have several half baked ideas, but nothing that is worthy of even a bad post ( which may be where this is heading anyway).

But here is one thing that I think is interesting.  Sunday, I was teaching a class of junior high children about Acts 9 and Saul the Christian Killer’s radical transformation on the way to Damascus.  Towards the end of class I also talked about Brian Welch, the former lead singer of a heavy metal rock band called Korn.  I don’t know Mr Welch, but I read about his testimony on – a very encouraging web site by the way.  Anywho, Mr. Welch tells a tale that you can watch below, or read about here (by clicking the more content button), in which he had completely lost control to drugs and gets turned around by some words his real estate agent said to him.  His real estate agent walked up to this drug addicted rock star and shared the words of Jesus from Matthew 11:28

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (New International Version, ©2010)

And those words seemed to lead him to Christ.  He quit Korn, he quit drugs, and he was transformed by the power of the Christ.  Wow.

I am sure his Real Estate agent felt a little weird, and a little crazy, but maybe its ok to be crazy with the full moon.  Maybe it ok to be crazy no matter what the moon phase is.

What will your words do for someone today.

Daily Post


Today and all week you have a special treat.  While I am off on vacation, others have joined the fight to keep the encouragement coming. Today’s post is from Joey Davis who also blogs at

Lifeguard…usually a part-time Summer job given to young men and women.  I remember being a kid and thinking that being a Lifeguard was the best job in the world.  Plenty of sunshine, fresh air, and I could go swimming anytime I wanted.  I’m sure that’s what the subject of my story thought as well.

He’s a lifeguard.  And like most other lifeguards, when he took his training, he could almost smell the fresh air, feel the sunshine in his skin, (and let’s be honest) he could envision all the pretty girls wanting him to came to their rescue.

Somewhere along the line, something went dreadfully wrong.  He got a job guarding the children’s splash pool at the local city park.  Day in and day out he sat by a pool that was too shallow to drown a cat and watched little children splash water all over each other.  At night, in his dreams, instead of the sounds of pretty girls begging for his attention, he could hear the squealing of playful little children.

One afternoon, he was watching my kids.   My wife sat by the pool and watched as well.  On this particular day it was a good thing that she was watching.  Olivia and Sawyer were fine, but the lifeguard wasn’t.

As Melissa watched the children, she began to wonder when the splash pool would be closing for the summer.  So she went over to the lifeguard to ask him.  When she got to his chair, he had the bill of his cap pulled down to shade his eyes, his hands were resting on his cheeks and his body was fixed in a posture that made him appear to be totally focused and attentive to the happenings in the pool.  There was only one problem; he was asleep!

Imagine what could have happened.  Parents had entrusted their children’s lives to this fellow and he fell asleep on the job.  Maybe he was tired.  Maybe he was bored.  Maybe this job just wasn’t what he had in mind when he became a lifeguard. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter.  He should have never fallen asleep on the job. . .

Our expectations of Christianity aren’t always grounded in realism.  Being a Christian doesn’t make us healthy, wealthy, or wise.  It makes us forgiven and hopefully grateful.  And with this blessing comes great responsibility.  God entrusts us to reach the world with his life-saving message.  We’re lifeguards so to speak.

Being a Christian isn’t always fun.  Sometimes we are called into circumstances we would rather avoid.  But who we are, and what we provide for the world, is important. God is counting on us to bring living water to a dying world.  Don’t fall asleep on the job!

Daily Post

Greasy Farmer

Yesterday, I was out enjoying lunch with one of my good friends and coworker.  This is usually our gripe about work lunch, and a few others usually join us.  However, one of them was probably on her back porch on a conference call and the other had just returned from India the night before and was not at work.  So the two of us sat talking about various things when this guy slides past our table on crutches and literally falls in the chair at the table next to ours.  Yep, it was Tuesday, and Tuesday seems to be homeless dude on crutches day for me.

So Roy, as we later found out his name to be, proceeded to tell us all about his current illness, his days in the ‘war’, his battle with brain cancer and his current job singing at a local drinking establishment.   As a matter of fact Roy, who by the way is not homeless dude from last week, serenaded us with three of his own songs that evidently he had composed.. He has according to him, been on the Grand Ole’ Opry several times.  His creative lyrics even mentioned a Greasy Farmer.

There we were, stuck.  He continued to sing and talk and weave his tale, we continued to nervously eat, glancing looks at each other, trying to figure out a way out.  I was waiting for the question – “Do you have some spare change?”, “Can you buy my lunch?”, “Can you help me with …?”  And then it came.  It started like this.  “Do you like my singing?”.

I expected, then how about a few dollars.  But no he said “Do you have change for a twenty?”.  Without having to look I knew all I had was crisp ATM dispensed twenties, nothing bigger, nothing smaller, so I responded “No, sir.”.   He then said “Do you like my singing?, Hey how much was that salad you are eating?”  I responding with a rough estimate of the price, because in all honesty, I really didn’t know.  When I checked out, I just gave the cashier dude my plastic and whammo I had lunch!  At this point, I was getting really anxious, where is this going I was wondering?  Are others in the restaurant wondering what is going?  What is the management going to think about this exchange?

And here comes the surprise.  “Hey, you can see I can barely walk, can you go up and get me whatever you had, I want to be like you!”  (At this point I know the dude is half insane, as being like me would put him over the top.)  “I’ve got a twenty”.  He stood up reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty and handed it to me.

So off we went to purchase Roy’s lunch with Roy’s money.  We brought the meal over to him, shook his hand, exchanged pleasantries and then we walked back up the hill to the office, just a little mystified.

There are two lessons hidden in this little encounter I think. The first one relates to last Wednesdays post about homeless dude.  I was frustrated last week that I didn’t take any time to even see what was up with that guy.  Yesterday I was given some what of a redo and although I had fully expected to be asked for money, all he wanted was someone to listen to him and to help him.

The second lesson comes from Roy himself.  Remember, this lunch usually contained some element of a gripe session.  Well from the moment Roy sat down he kept referring to the gifts he had been given from God and how God gave him his strength to keep going forward.  And let me tell you, Roy has had his share of beat downs, its pretty amazing that he can still give glory to his Creator.  That is such a lesson for me.  I find myself caught up in the non-essentials and sometimes overlook the gifts and strength that come from our Creator.  I hope that I can remember this little lesson from the Greasy Farmer, remember that my strength is from God, no matter what.

 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
       where does my help come from?

 2 My help comes from the LORD,
       the Maker of heaven and earth Psalm 121:1-2 (New International Version)

Daily Post

Corn Ma(i)ze Adventures

Over the weekend I was so blessed to be able to assist in the “chaperoning” of a group of junior and senior high kids to the local corn maze.  This adventure started out as any good chaperoning trip should – an hour long ride on a bus.  Then we had the somewhat expected bus trouble ( blowing out a tire on the interstate), the highs and lows of drama ( Tennessee Won- YES, oh no Tennessee Lost- bummer) and then the fateful assignment from the youth leader.  In the past it might have been the prayer for for food, or monitoring the boys restroom, or keeping one of “those” kids in your group, but tonight it was watch the dating couples.

Oh no, my heart froze, the dating couples in a corn maze, after dark! Luckily I had my trusty 15 inch maglite so I could pretend to be a officer of the law.

After finding the couples after they had already had escaped once on the hide ride, we went into the maze.  A group consisting of 5 junior high boys, the 2 boys and their dates, myself, and 2 other chaperones entered the maze in that order.   Quickly, the smaller boys dispeared into the corn as if they had been wisked away by aliens, only to have to be removed from the maze later in the evening apparently by the “corn cops”.   I knew they were on their own, but I had a mission to stay on.

By this time, we had somehow found the outside loop of this maze, and march in long straight lines, in boy then girl order.  These kids moved at rates of speed that seemed supernatural.  They didn’t communicate with each other.  They just kept plodded forward – heads slightly angled towards the ground, shoulders hunched over. It was so bad that all three of the chaperons expected at any moment the kids to turn around possessed by the corn with eyes wide and manic expressions on their faces.  It had become a little bit frightening. This continued until we reached one of the “check points” in the maze and hollered “hey y’all, lets stop here”  But no,  undeterred, they continued blindly, on their seemingly possessed march through the corn.  In desperation, my partner hollered out the name of one of the boys who then awoke from his state of hypnosis and returned to us.    It was quite an adventure.  After reconnoitering at the post for a few minutes one of the girls returned to us, and eventually we were able to round up the other couple, when they exited the maze via the entrance.  I dunno how.

But here is one thing I know.  That plodding – that determined focus to move forward, undettered by the distractions of life – that’s something to ponder today.  One can look at it from two perspectives and I have been waffling on which one to attack.  The first way could be to say that’s how we should live life – undeterred, focused on the path ahead, eyes on the prize.  The second, well that’s for tomorrow.  So, today, keep trudging through the corn, but know were you are going – heavenwward in Christ Jesus.

13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13-14 (New International Version)

Daily Post

A New Heart

I woke up this morning to my favorite Friday song – Sammy Kershaw’s Finally Friday.

It’s good to be right on top of a few days of away from the grind of work, but there’s still one more day at the ol’ mill before we can “let the good times roll”.

But what’s so great about having a day between us and the weekend is we have another day to choose to serve God.  You have another day to so the renewing gifts of the God you serve.

For example check out Ezekiel where he is telling the people of Israel that when they return to him he will restore their hearts.

26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.  Ezekiel 36:26-27 (New International Version)

What’s so cool is you can take part in that same gift.  Use today to take advantage of the promise of God.  Draw near to Him, and enjoy the renewing of you mind and spirit.