Daily Post

Break It Down

Yesterday I started a fairly painful treatment on my knees called A-STYM therapy. When I say painful, I man ‘ouchie wawa’ painful. However this pain is supposed to bring about healing. The whole idea of the treatment is to break down the scar tissue and to create trauma for the muscles and tendons. This process will restart the healing process and eventually things should be better. YEAH!  So the painful process of breaking down begins to create healing.

So it is with our spirits as well. When we are haughty and self seeking and go about it on our own, bad things may happen. But the Creator says he likes a broken spirit.

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise. (Psalm 51:17 NIV)

Because then he can lift us up. So today embrace your brokenness and let God be the healer!  Then you like my patella tendon, can be on your way to better days!

Daily Post

Spread Hope

I love Facebook.  Now its not because I want to see what people had for dinner last night.  It’s because in between in the “I’m Bored” and the “I just had the best vacation in the world, eat it sucker!” posts, you can find the heart of people.  Last night, one of my college friends posted a link to a video, that I highly recommend that you watch:

This guy Nick Vujicic was born with no arms and no legs, but yet has a love for life that’s absolutely incredible.  I found myself last night and this morning watching his talks on You Tube in amazement.  How could someone with that bad of life get back up?  Well, as he tells in his video’s and on his website, it wasn’t easy.  But once we realized that God had a plan for him and that God was going to use his brokenness to reach people for Him, his life turned around.

God is using his brokenness to reach others that are broken and to turn them around, and to provide hope.  What’s amazing is that’s how He seems to work.  He brings messages of hope and peace from the lowliest places.

Mr Vujicic sells a shirt on his site with this quote from St. Francis of Assisi

“Let me sow LOVE where there is HATRED.”
“Let me be HOPE where there is DESPAIR.”

So today, let this man with a broken body inspire you.  Let him remind you that God will use you, when you let him.  Let him take your brokenness and turn it into a mighty work!  Reach out and impact those around you today.

37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37