Daily Post


I found myself rummaging around 1 John 3 Monday night, and it’s quite glorious and a little bit frightening at the same time. But generally, it’s a bit of scripture that should give all of us hope. For starters look at this from the pre-2011 NIV

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!


And that is what we are!

but really I just love that word in the NIV  – lavished!  God lavished his love on us so that we are indeed his children.  I can only hope that my children would think that I have lavished love on them!

(Quick aside: Maybe here’s a moment that I should consider the great example of the Father as I parent.)

Think about that for a moment! To be assured that you are a child of the Creator of the world! And that He has lavished a great love on you!  That’s freeing! Well, it may be just downright exhilarating!

But the letter doesn’t stop there.

I mean this:

2b but we know that when he appears we shall be like him,

and this:

5You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin


If that doesn’t put a little song in your heart today, I am not sure what will! Remember what you are.

Oh and here’s a song to try, if you didn’t have one!





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