I often get the pleasure of teaching teenagers about life and the Christ. After the Paris attacks, they expressed their concern and fear and anger to me. The same emotions many of us are feeling again today. We spent some time looking at this chart for the Ecomomist.com and talking about how to respond
I told them the response could not be based in fear, or anger. The respond had to be based in love and that there is indeed something they can do about this stuff. There’s something you can do as well. I called it the two-meter rule.
I have referenced it quite often since then with that group. Sometimes I just walk around the room carrying two meter sticks to remind them of the idea. The concept is that you should focus on the people that you come in contact with, the people within two meters of you each and every day. If you treat them right and impact their lives, they will, in fact, impact others. Bit by bit we can overcome.Spend time today observing all the people within two meters of you, and impact them for the good.
Spend time today observing all the people within two meters of you, and impact them for the good.
Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways—Haggai 1:5