Daily Post

That My Soul is Free

Yesterday’s post bugged me all day.  I knew that phrase was from a song, but I could not recall the rest of the words.  I spun through Farther Along, To The Work and We’ll Work Til Jesus Comes before it hit. As I walking through the hallway around 2 pm, the remainder of the song quickly arose from way down deep in my brain.  It’s Let Me Live Close to Thee.  Down in the second verse the song goes like this

Not the crown nor renown
that the world might see
I would work, never shirk
blessed Lord, for Thee
But to know where I go
that my soul is free
Let me live close to Thee each day

Here’s a great version by The Chestnut Grove Quartet.  I love the way these voice sound, it takes me back and brings my heart great joy.

These songs have such great deep meaning in the words.  Take a look at the rest of the verses.  Phrases like ‘In the fight for the right I would dare and do’ and ‘Help me bear and to share some poor pilgrim’s load’ contain great encouragement for us to be bold in our daily walks as we impact those we meet and greet each day.

Yeah, let’s not shirk, for our soul is free!

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37