Daily Post

The Yellow Jersey

PROGRAMMING NOTE: My schedule is still really crazy and I have been having a hard time getting the writing time. I do apologize for the inconsistency!

Did you see the end of the Tour de France yesterday? The tour leader went down in a crazy crash just meters from the finish of a very long stage. The crash evidently did a number on his collarbone and he is withdrawing from the tour.

The crash was just at the bottom of a very steep incline that lead to the finish. Literally it was probably 600 meters from the finish. The part I found interesting was that immediately after the crash his teammates stopped and checked on him and then this:


Those two guys rode the remainder of the course giving their leader a push from the back so that he could finish. There’s a big lesson there, which I think you can see!

Find those around you today who need a push up the hill.

2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NASB)

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