Here is is the day before Good Friday. Can you even imagine that scene that played out on this day in the Garden? Jesus talking tp his Father, knowing what was to come, and the burden, our burden, he was to bear. And then he prays for you. You the believer that comes 2000 years later. In the Garden on this Thursday before the perfect Passover Lamb is sacrificed, that Lamb bowed his head and thought about you.
20 I am not asking solely for their benefit; this prayer is also for all the believers who will follow them and hear them speak. 21 Father, may they all be one as You are in Me and I am in You; may they be in Us, for by this unity the world will believe that You sent Me.
22 All the glory You have given to Me, I pass on to them. May that glory unify them and make them one as We are one, 23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be refined so that all will know that You sent Me, and You love them in the same way You love Me. John 17:20-23 The Voice (VOICE)
Remember these words as you head into this weekend, where the worst event and the greatest event happened. One that truly changed the world. Let it continue to change you.